Colossians 1:25-29

Bishops(i) 25 Wherof I am made a minister, accordyng to the dispensation of God, which is geuen to me to youwarde, to fulfyll the worde of God 26 The misterie hyd sence the worlde began, and [sence the begynnyng of] generations: but nowe is opened to his saintes 27 To whom God woulde make knowe what [is] the riches of the glorie of this misterie among the gentiles, which is Christe in you, the hope of glorie 28 Whom we preache, warnyng euery man, and teachyng euery man in all wisdome, to present all men perfect in Christe Iesus 29 Wherunto I also labour striuyng, according to his workyng which worketh in me mightylie