34 And as concernyng that he raysed him vp from the dead, nowe no more to returne to corruption, he sayde on this wyse: I wyll geue you ye holy thynges of Dauid, which are faythfull
35 Wherfore, he sayeth also in another place. Thou shalt not suffer thyne holy one to see corruption
36 For Dauid, after he had serued his tyme, by the wyll of God fell on slepe, and was layde vnto his fathers, and sawe corruption
37 But he whom God raysed agayne, sawe no corruption
38 Be it knowen vnto you therfore, ye men & brethren, that through this man is preached vnto you the forgeuenesse of sinnes
39 And that by hym, all that beleue, are iustified from all thynges, from which ye coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moyses