1 Samuel 14:30-46

Bishops(i) 30 Howe muche more then to day, if the people had eaten of the spoyle of their enemies whiche they found? And had there not ben then a muche greater slaughter among the Philistines 31 And they smote the Philistines that day, from Michmas to Aialon: And the people were exceeding faynt 32 And the people gat them to the spoyle, and toke sheepe, oxen, and calues, & slue them on the ground, and the people dyd eate them with the blood 33 Then men tolde Saul, saying: Behold, the people sinne against the Lorde, in that they eate with the blood. And he sayde, Ye haue trespassed: Rowle a great stone vnto me this day 34 And Saul sayde againe: Go abrode among the people, and bid them bring me euery man his oxe, and euery man his sheepe, and slay them here, and eate, and sinne not against the Lorde in eating with the blood. And the people brought euery man his oxe in his hande that night, and slue them there 35 And Saul made an aulter vnto ye Lord: And that was the first aulter that he made vnto the Lorde 36 And Saul sayde: Let vs go downe after the Philistines by night, and spoyle them, vntil it be day in the morning, and let vs not leaue one man of them. And they sayde: Do whatsoeuer thou thinkest best. Then sayde the priest: Let vs come hyther vnto God 37 And Saul asked of God: Shall I go downe after the Philistines? Wilt thou deliuer them into the handes of Israel? But he aunswered him not at that time 38 And Saul sayde: Let al the chiefe of the people come hyther, and knowe and see by whom this sinne is done this day 39 For as the Lorde liueth, whiche saued Israel, though it be in Ionathan my sonne, he shal dye the death. But there was no man among all the people that aunswered him 40 Then he sayde vnto al Israel: Be ye on one syde, and I and Ionathan my sonne will be on the other syde. And the people saide vnto Saul: What thou thinkest best, that do 41 Therfore Saul saide vnto the Lorde God of Israel, geue a perfect lot. And Saul and Ionathan were caught: but the people scaped free 42 And Saul said: Cast lot betweene me and Ionathan my sonne. And Ionathan was caught 43 Then Saul saide to Ionathan: Tell me what thou hast done. And Ionathan tolde him, and sayde: I tasted a litle honie with the ende of the rod that was in myne hand, & lo, I must dye 44 Saul aunswered: God do so & more also to me, thou shalt dye the death Ionathan 45 And the people said vnto Saul: Shal Ionathan dye, which hath so mightilie deliuered Israel? God forbid. As the Lord lyueth, there shall not one heere of his head fall to ye ground, for he hath wrought with God this daye. And so the people deliuered Ionathan, that he dyed not 46 And then Saul departed vp from folowing the Philistines: And the Philistines went to their owne place