15 τολμηρότερον* (More boldly) δὲ (however) ἔγραψα (I have written) ὑμῖν (to you), ἀπὸ (in) μέρους (part), ὡς (as) ἐπαναμιμνήσκων (reminding) ὑμᾶς (you), διὰ (because of) τὴν (the) χάριν (grace) τὴν (-) δοθεῖσάν (having been given) μοι (to me) ὑπὸ* (by) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God)
16 εἰς (for) τὸ (-) εἶναί (to be) με (me) λειτουργὸν (a minister) Χριστοῦ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (of Jesus) εἰς (to) τὰ (the) ἔθνη (Gentiles), ἱερουργοῦντα (administering the sacred service) τὸ (of the) εὐαγγέλιον (gospel) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), ἵνα (so that) γένηται (might become) ἡ (the) προσφορὰ (offering) τῶν (of the) ἐθνῶν (Gentiles) εὐπρόσδεκτος (acceptable), ἡγιασμένη (having been sanctified) ἐν (in the) Πνεύματι (Spirit) Ἁγίῳ (Holy).
17 Ἔχω (I have) οὖν (therefore) τὴν (the) καύχησιν (boasting) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus), τὰ (in the things) πρὸς (pertaining to) τὸν (-) Θεόν (God).
18 οὐ (Not) γὰρ (for) τολμήσω (will I dare) τι (anything) λαλεῖν (to speak of), ὧν (what) οὐ (except) κατειργάσατο (has accomplished) Χριστὸς (Christ) δι’ (through) ἐμοῦ (me), εἰς (unto the) ὑπακοὴν (obedience) ἐθνῶν (of the Gentiles), λόγῳ (by word) καὶ (and) ἔργῳ (deed),
19 ἐν (in the) δυνάμει (power) σημείων (of signs) καὶ (and) τεράτων (wonders), ἐν (in the) δυνάμει (power) Πνεύματος (of the Spirit) [θεοῦ] (of God); ὥστε (so as) με (for me) ἀπὸ (from) Ἰερουσαλὴμ (Jerusalem), καὶ (and) κύκλῳ (around) μέχρι (unto) τοῦ (-) Ἰλλυρικοῦ (Illyricum), πεπληρωκέναι (to have fully proclaimed) τὸ (the) εὐαγγέλιον (gospel) τοῦ (-) Χριστοῦ (of Christ),
20 οὕτως (thus) δὲ (now) φιλοτιμούμενον (being ambitious) εὐαγγελίζεσθαι (to preach the gospel) οὐχ (not) ὅπου (where) ὠνομάσθη (had been named) Χριστός (Christ), ἵνα (so that) μὴ (not) ἐπ’ (upon) ἀλλότριον (another’s) θεμέλιον (foundation) οἰκοδομῶ (I might build).
21 ἀλλὰ (Rather), καθὼς (as) γέγραπται (it has been written): “Ὄψονται (They will see), «οἷς (to whom) οὐκ (not) ἀνηγγέλη (it was proclaimed) περὶ (concerning) αὐτοῦ» (Him); καὶ (and) οἳ (those that) οὐκ (not) ἀκηκόασιν (have heard) συνήσουσιν (will understand).”