1 Ἐν (At) ἐκείνῳ (that) τῷ (-) καιρῷ (time) ἤκουσεν (heard) Ἡρῴδης (Herod) ὁ (the) τετραάρχης (tetrarch) τὴν (the) ἀκοὴν (news) Ἰησοῦ (of Jesus),
2 καὶ (and) εἶπεν (he said) τοῖς (to) παισὶν (the servants) αὐτοῦ (of him), “Οὗτός (This) ἐστιν (is) Ἰωάννης (John) ὁ (the) Βαπτιστής (Baptist); αὐτὸς (he) ἠγέρθη (is risen) ἀπὸ (from) τῶν (the) νεκρῶν (dead), καὶ (and) διὰ (because of) τοῦτο (this), αἱ (the) δυνάμεις (miraculous powers) ἐνεργοῦσιν (are working) ἐν (in) αὐτῷ (him).”
3 Ὁ (-) γὰρ (For) Ἡρῴδης (Herod) κρατήσας (having seized) τὸν (-) Ἰωάνην (John), ἔδησεν (he bound) ‹αὐτὸν› (him) καὶ (and) ἐν (in) φυλακῇ (prison) ἀπέθετο (put him), διὰ (on account of) Ἡρῳδιάδα (Herodias), τὴν (the) γυναῖκα (wife) Φιλίππου (of Philip), τοῦ (the) ἀδελφοῦ (brother) αὐτοῦ (of him).
4 ἔλεγεν (Had been saying) γὰρ (for) «ὁ (-) Ἰωάννης» (John) αὐτῷ (to him), “Οὐκ (Not) ἔξεστίν (it is lawful) σοι (for you) ἔχειν (to have) αὐτήν (her).”
5 καὶ (Although) θέλων (wishing) αὐτὸν (him) ἀποκτεῖναι (to kill), ἐφοβήθη (he feared) τὸν (the) ὄχλον (multitude), ὅτι (because) ὡς (as) προφήτην (a prophet) αὐτὸν (him) εἶχον (they were holding).
6 Γενεσίοις (The birthday) δὲ (now) γενομένοις (having been celebrated) τοῦ (-) Ἡρῴδου (of Herod), ὠρχήσατο (danced) ἡ (the) θυγάτηρ (daughter) τῆς (-) Ἡρῳδιάδος (of Herodias) ἐν (in) τῷ (the) μέσῳ (midst), καὶ (and) ἤρεσεν (pleased) τῷ (-) Ἡρῴδῃ (Herod),
7 ὅθεν (whereupon) μεθ’ (with) ὅρκου (oath) ὡμολόγησεν (he promised) αὐτῇ (to her) δοῦναι (to give) ὃ (whatever) ἐὰν (if) αἰτήσηται (she should ask).
8 Ἡ (-) δὲ (And) προβιβασθεῖσα (having been urged on) ὑπὸ (by) τῆς (the) μητρὸς (mother) αὐτῆς (of her), “Δός (Give) μοι (me),” φησίν (she says), “Ὧδε (here) ἐπὶ (upon) πίνακι (a platter) τὴν (the) κεφαλὴν (head) Ἰωάννου (of John) τοῦ (the) Βαπτιστοῦ (Baptist).”
9 Καὶ (And) λυπηθεὶς (having been grieved) ὁ (the) βασιλεὺς (king), διὰ (on account of) τοὺς (the) ὅρκους (oaths) καὶ (and) τοὺς (those) συνανακειμένους (reclining with him), ἐκέλευσεν (he commanded it) δοθῆναι (to be given).
10 καὶ (And) πέμψας (he having sent), ἀπεκεφάλισεν (beheaded) ‹τὸν› (-) Ἰωάννην (John) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) φυλακῇ (prison).
11 Καὶ (And) ἠνέχθη (was brought) ἡ (the) κεφαλὴ (head) αὐτοῦ (of him) ἐπὶ (on) πίνακι (a platter), καὶ (and) ἐδόθη (was given) τῷ (to the) κορασίῳ (girl), καὶ (and) ἤνεγκεν (she brought it) τῇ (to) μητρὶ (the mother) αὐτῆς (of her).
12 καὶ (And) προσελθόντες (having come), οἱ (the) μαθηταὶ (disciples) αὐτοῦ (of him) ἦραν (took) τὸ (the) πτῶμα (body), καὶ (and) ἔθαψαν (buried) αὐτόν (it); καὶ (and) ἐλθόντες (having come), ἀπήγγειλαν (they told) τῷ (-) Ἰησοῦ (Jesus).