1 Ὦ (O) ἀνόητοι (foolish) Γαλάται (Galatians)! τίς (Who) ὑμᾶς (you) ἐβάσκανεν (has bewitched), οἷς (whose) κατ’ (before) ὀφθαλμοὺς (eyes) Ἰησοῦς (Jesus) Χριστὸς (Christ) προεγράφη (was publicly portrayed) ἐσταυρωμένος (as having been crucified)?
2 τοῦτο (This) μόνον (only) θέλω (I wish) μαθεῖν (to learn) ἀφ’ (from) ὑμῶν (you), ἐξ (by) ἔργων (works) νόμου (of the Law) τὸ (the) Πνεῦμα (Spirit) ἐλάβετε (did you receive), ἢ (or) ἐξ (by) ἀκοῆς (hearing) πίστεως (of faith)?
3 Οὕτως (So) ἀνόητοί (foolish) ἐστε (are you)? ἐναρξάμενοι (Having begun) Πνεύματι (in the Spirit), νῦν (now) σαρκὶ (in the flesh) ἐπιτελεῖσθε (are you being perfected)?