Genesis 1:24-26

  24 H430 And God H559 said, H776 Let the earth H3318 bring forth H2416 living H5315 creatures H4327 after their kind, H929 cattle, H7431 and creeping things, H776 and beasts of the earth H4327 after their kind: and it was so.
  25 H430 And God H6213 made H2416 the beasts H776 of the earth H4327 after their kind, H929 and the cattle H4327 after their kind, H7431 and everything that creepeth H127 upon the ground H4327 after its kind: H430 and God H7200 saw H2896 that it was good.
  26 H430 And God H559 said, H6213 Let us make H120 man H6754 in our image, H1823 after our likeness: H7287 and let them have dominion H1710 over the fish H3220 of the sea, H5775 and over the birds H8064 of the heavens, H929 and over the cattle, H776 and over all the earth, H7431 and over every creeping thing H7430 that creepeth H776 upon the earth.