Ephesians 4:31-5:2

  31 G142 Let G3956 all G4088 bitterness, G2532 and G2372 wrath, G2532 and G3709 anger, G2532 and G2906 clamor, G2532 and G988 railing, G142 be put away G575 from G5216 you, G4862 with G3956 all G2549 malice:
  32 G1161 and G1096 be ye G5543 kind G240 one G1519 to G240 another, G2155 tenderhearted, G5483 forgiving G1438 each other, G2532 even G2531 as G2316 God G1722 also in G5547 Christ G5483 forgave G5213 you.
  1 G1096 Be ye G3767 therefore G3402 imitators G2316 of God, G5613 as G27 beloved G5043 children;
  2 G2532 and G4043 walk G1722 in G26 love, G2531 even as G5547 Christ G2532 also G25 loved G2248 you, G2532 and G3860 gave G1438 himself G5228 up for G2257 us, G4376 an offering G2532 and G2378 a sacrifice G2316 to God G1519 for G3744 an odor G3744 of a sweet smell.