Matthew 5:33-37

  33 G3825 Again, G191 you have heard G2046 that it has been said G744 by them of old G744 time, G1964 You shall not forswear G591 yourself, but shall perform G2962 to the Lord G4675 your G3727 oaths:
  34 G3004 But I say G3660 to you, Swear G2527 not at G3654 all; G3383 neither G3772 by heaven; G2316 for it is God’s G2362 throne:
  35 G3383 Nor G1093 by the earth; G5286 for it is his footstool: G4228 G3383 neither G2414 by Jerusalem; G4172 for it is the city G3173 of the great G935 King.
  36 G3383 Neither G3660 shall you swear G2776 by your head, G3754 because G1410 you can G4160 not make G3391 one G2359 hair G3022 white G2228 or G3189 black.
  37 G5216 But let your G3056 communication G3483 be, Yes, G3483 yes; G3756 No, G3756 no: G3588 for whatever G4053 is more G5130 than these G1511 comes G4190 of evil.