Luke 17:6-7

  6 G2962 And the Lord G2036 said, G1487 If G2192 you had G4102 faith G2848 as a grain G4615 of mustard G3004 seed, you might say G5026 to this G4807 sycamine G1610 tree, Be you plucked G1610 up by the root, G5452 and be you planted G2281 in the sea; G5219 and it should obey you.
  7 G5101 But which G2192 of you, having G1401 a servant G722 plowing G2228 or G4165 feeding G4165 cattle, G2046 will say G1525 to him by and by, when he is come G68 from the field, G3928 Go G377 and sit G377 down to meat?