Micah 6:1-2

  1 G191 Hear G1211 indeed G3739 what G3588 the G2962 lord G2036 said! G450 Rise up, G2919 plead G4314 with G3588 the G3735 mountains, G2532 and G191 let [3hear G3588 1the G1015 2hills] G5456 your voice! G1473  
  2 G191 Hear, G3735 O mountains, G3588 the G2920 judgment G2962 of the lord, G2532 and G3588 O G5327 ravines, G2310 foundations G3588 of the G1093 earth! G3754 For G2920 there is a case G3588 with the G2962 lord G4314 against G3588   G2992 his people; G1473   G2532 and G3326 with G3588   G* Israel G1326.4 he will plead.