John 13:22-25

  22 G991 [4looked G3767 1Then G1519 5at G240 6one another G3588 2the G3101 3disciples], G639 being perplexed G4012 concerning G5100 what G3004 he says.
  23 G1510.7.3 [4was G1161 1And G345 5reclining G1520 2one G3588   G3101 3of his disciples] G1473   G1722 at G3588 the G2859 bosom G3588   G* of Jesus, G3739 whom G25 Jesus loved. G3588   G*  
  24 G3506 [4nodded G3767 1Then G3778 5to this one G* 2Simon G* 3Peter] G4441 to inquire about G5100 who G302 it may be G1510.4   G4012 concerning G3739 of whom G3004 he speaks.
  25 G1968 [3having fallen G1161 1And G1565 2that one] G1909 upon G3588 the G4738 breast G3588   G* of Jesus, G3004 says G1473 to him, G2962 O Lord, G5100 who G1510.2.3 is it?