Genesis 46:26-27

  26 G3956 And all G1161   G3588 the G5590 souls G3588   G1525 entering G3326 with G* Jacob G1519 into G* Egypt -- G3588 the ones G1831 coming forth G1537 from out of G3588   G3382 his thighs, G1473   G5565 separate from G3588 the G1135 wives G5207 of Jacob's sons -- G*   G3956 all G5590 souls G1835.2 were sixty-six.
  27 G5207 And the sons G1161   G* of Joseph G3588   G1096 being born G1473 to him G1722 in G1093 the land G* of Egypt -- G5590 [2souls G1767 1nine]. G3956 All G5590 the souls G3624 of the house G* of Jacob G3588 of the ones G1525 entering G3326 with G* Jacob G1519 into G* Egypt -- G5590 [2souls G1440.3 1seventy-five].