John 13:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Before the feast of Easter whan Iesus knewe that his tyme was come, that he shulde departe out of this worlde vnto ye father, as he loued his which were in the worlde, euen so loued he them vnto the ende.

Jeremiah 31:3

3 Euen so shal the LORDE now also apeare vnto me from farre, and saye: I loue the with an euerlastinge loue, therfore do I sprede my mercy before the.

Matthew 26:2-5

2 Ye knowe, that after two dayes shalbe Easter, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered to be crucified. 3 Then assembled together the hye prestes and the scrybes, and the elders of the people in to the palace of the hye prest which was called Caiphas, 4 and helde a councell, how they might take Iesus by disceate, and kyll him. 5 But they sayde: Not on the holy daye, lest there be an vproure in the people.

Matthew 26:45

45 Then came he to his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Slepe on now, and take youre rest. Beholde, the houre is come, yt the sonne of man shalbe delyuered in to the hondes of synners:

Matthew 28:20

20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.

Mark 14:1-2

1 And after two dayes was Easter, and the daies of swete bred. And ye hye prestes & scrybes sought how they might take him with disceate, & put him to death. 2 But they sayde: Not in the feast daye, lest there be an vproure in the people.

Luke 9:51

51 And it fortuned whan the tyme was fulfylled that he shulde be receaued vp from hence, he turned his face to go straight to Ierusalem,

Luke 13:32-33

32 And he sayde vnto the: Go ye and tell that foxe: beholde, I cast out deuels, and heale the people todaye and tomorow, and vpo the thirde daye shal I make an ende: 33 for it can not be, that a prophet perishe without Ierusalem.

Luke 22:1-2

1 The feast of swete bred (which is called Easter) drue nye. 2 And ye hye presstes and Scrybes sought how they might put him to death, and were afrayed of the people.

Luke 22:53

53 I was daylie with you in the temple, and ye layed no handes vpon me. But this is youre houre, and the power of darknesse.

John 6:4

4 And Easter ye feast of the Iewes was nye.

John 7:6

6 Then sayde Iesus vnto them: My tyme is not yet come, but youre tyme is allwaye ready.

John 7:30

30 Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come.

John 8:20

20 These wordes spake Iesus vpon the Godschest, as he taught in the teple. And noman toke him, for his houre was not yet come.

John 11:9-10

9 Iesus answered: Are there not twolue houres in ye daye? He yt walketh in the daye, stombleth not, for he seyeth ye light of this worlde. 10 But he that walketh in the night, stobleth: for there is no light in him.

John 11:55

55 The Iewes Easter was nye at hande. And there wente vp many to Ierusale out of that countre before ye Easter, to purifye them selues.

John 12:23

23 Iesus answered the, and sayde: The houre is come, that the sonne of man must be glorified.

John 13:3

3 Iesus knowinge that the father had geuen all thinges in to his handes, & that he was come from God, and wente vnto God,

John 13:34

34 A new comaundemet geue I you, that ye loue together as I haue loued you, yt euen so ye loue one another.

John 14:28

28 Ye haue herde, that I sayde vnto you: I go, & come agayne vnto you. Yf ye loued me, ye wolde reioyse, because I saide, I go to the father: for ye father is greater the I.

John 15:9-10

9 Like as my father hath loued me, eue so haue I loued you. Cotynue ye i my loue. 10 Yf ye kepe my comaundementes, ye shal cotynue in my loue: like as I haue kepte my fathers comaundementes, and cotynue in his loue.

John 15:13-14

13 No man hath greater loue, then to set his life for his frende. 14 Ye are my frendes, yf ye do that I commaunde you.

John 16:5-7

5 But now I go vnto him that sent me, & none of you axeth me: Whither goest thou? 6 but because I haue sayde these thinges vnto you, youre hert is full of sorowe. 7 Neuertheles I tell you the trueth, It is better for you yt I go awaye: For yf I go not awaye that comforter commeth not vnto you: but yf I departe, I wil sende hi vnto you.

John 16:28

28 I wente out from the father, and came in to the worlde: Agayne, I leaue ye worlde, and go to the father.

John 17:1

1 These thinges spake Iesus, and lift vp his eyes towarde heauen, and sayde: Father, the houre is come, that thou glorifye thy sonne, that thy sonne also maye glorifye the.

John 17:5

5 And now glorifye me thou father by thine awne self, with ye glory which I had or euer the worlde was.

John 17:9-11

9 I praye for them, and praye not for the worlde, but for them whom thou hast geuen me, for they are thine. 10 And all that is myne, is thine: and what thine is, that is myne. And I am glorifyed in them. 11 And now am I nomore in the worlde, and they are in ye worlde, and I come to the. Holy father, kepe in thy name, those whom thou hast geue me, that they maye be one, like as we are.

John 17:13-14

13 But now come I vnto the, and this I speake in the worlde, that they maye haue my ioye perfecte in them. 14 I haue geuen them thy worde, and the worlde hateth the: for they are not of the worlde, euen as I also am not of the worlde.

John 17:16

16 They are not of the worlde, as I also am not of the worlde.

John 17:26

26 And I haue declared thy name vnto them, & wyl declare it, yt the loue wherwith thou hast loued me, maye be in the, & I in them.

John 18:4

4 Iesus now knowinge all yt shulde come vpon him, wete forth, and sayde vnto the: Whom seke ye?

Romans 8:37

37 Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome farre, for his sake that loued vs.

1 Corinthians 1:8

8 which shal strength you also vnto ye ende, that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

Ephesians 5:25-26

25 Ye hussbandes loue youre wyues, euen as Christ loued the congregacion, and gaue himselfe for it, 26 to sanctifye it, and clensed it in the fountayne of water by the worde,

Hebrews 3:6

6 But Christ as a sonne hath rule ouer his house, whose house are we, yf we holde fast the confidence and reioysinge of that hope vnto the ende.

Hebrews 3:14

14 For we are become partakers of Christ, yf we kepe sure vnto ye ende the begynnynge of the substace,

Hebrews 6:11

11 Yee and we desyre, that euery one of you shewe the same diligence, to the stablyshinge of hope euen vnto the ende,

1 Peter 1:13

13 Wherfore gyrde op the loynes off youre mynde, be sober, and trust perfectly on the grace that is brought vnto you, by the declarynge of Iesus Christ,

1 John 4:19

19 Let vs loue him, for he loued vs first.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnes, and first begotten of the deed: & LORDE ouer ye kinges of the earth. Vnto him that loued vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.