Leviticus 7:11-18

Tyndale(i) 11 This is the lawe of the peaceoffringes whiche shalbe offered vnto the Lorde. 12 Yf he offer to geue thanckes, he shall brynge vnto his thanckofferynge: swete cakes myngled with oyle and swete wafers anoynted with oyle, and cakes myngled with oyle of fine floure fryed, 13 ad he shall brynge his offerynge apon cakes made of leuended bred vnto the thanckoffrynge of his peaceofferynges, 14 ad of them all he shall offer one to be an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde, ad it shalbe the preastes that sprynkleth the bloude of the peaceofferynges. 15 And the fleshe of the thankofferynge of his peaceofferynges shalbe eaten the same daye that it is offred, and there shall none of it be layde vpp vntyll the mornynge. 16 Yf it be a vowe or a fre willofferynge that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it, it shalbe eaten, and that which remayneth may be eaten on the morowe: 17 but as moche of the offered flesh as remaneth vnto the thirde daye shalbe burned with fire. 18 For yf any of the flesh of the peaceoffrynges be eaten the thirde daye then shall he that offered it optayne no fauour, nether shall it be rekened vnto him: but shalbe an abhomynacion, and the soule that eateth of it shall beare the synne thereof.