Zechariah 13

Matthew(i) 1 In that tyme shall the house of Dauid and the citesins at Ierusalem haue an open well, to wash of synne and vnclennesse. 2 And then (saieth the lord of hostes) I will destroye the names of Idols out of the land: so that they shal nomore be put in remembraunce. As for the false prophetes also & the vnclene spirit, I shal take them out of the land: 3 so that yf any of them prophecy any more, hys owne father and mother that begat him, shal saye vnto him: Thou shalt dye, for thou speakest lyes vnder the name of the Lord: yea his owne father and mother that begat him, shal wound him, when he prophecieth. 4 And then shal those prophetes be confounded, euery one of his vision when he prophecieth: neither shall they weer sackclothes any more, to disceyue men wt all. 5 But he shalbe fayne to saye: I am no prophete: I am an husband man, for so am I taught by Adam from my youth vp: 6 & yf it be sayd vnto him: how came these woundes then in thine handes? He shal answere: Thus am I wounded in the house of myne owne frendes. 7 Arise, O thou swerd, vpon my shepeherd, & vpon the prince of my people sayeth the lorde of hostes. Smite the sheperd, & the shepe shal be scatred abroade, & so wil I turne mine hand to the litle ones. 8 And it shal come to passe (saieth the Lord) that in all the land two partes shalbe roted oute, but the thirde parte shall remayne therin 9 And the same thyrd part wil I bring thorow the fyre, & wil clense them, as the siluer is clensed: yea, & try them like as gold is tryed. Then shall they call vpon my name and I wyll heare them: I wyl saye: it is my people. And they shal say: Lorde my God.