Leviticus 27:1-13

Matthew(i) 1 And the Lord spake vnto Moses sayinge, 2 speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and say vnto them: If any man wyl geue a singuler vowe vnto the Lord accordynge to the value of hys Soule, 3 then shall the male from twentye yere vnto .lx. be sette at fyfty sycles of syluer, after the sycle of the sanctuary, 4 & the female at .xxx. sicles. 5 And from fiue yeares to twenty the male shall be set at twentye sycles, and the female at .x. sycles. 6 And from a moneth vnto .v. yere the male shal be set at .v. sycles of syluer, & the female at thre. 7 And the man that is .lx. and aboue, shal be valued at .xv. sycles, and the woman at .x. 8 If he be to pore so to be set, then let hym come before the prieste: and let the prieste value hym accordinge as the hand of hym that vowed is able to get. 9 If it be of the beastes of whych men bring an offeryng vnto the Lord: all that any man geueth of such vnto the lord, shalbe holy. 10 He may not alter it nor chaunge it: a good for a bad or a bad for a good. If he chaunge beast for beaste, then both the same beast and it also wherwith it was chaunged shalbe holy. 11 If it be any maner of vncleane beaste of which men maye not offer vnto the Lorde, let hym brynge the beaste before the priest 12 & lette the priest value it. And whether it be good or badde as the prieste setteth it, so shall it be. 13 And if he wyll bye it agayne, lette him giue the fyft part more to that it was set at.