Joshua 24

Matthew(i) 1 And Iosua gathered all the trybes of Israel to Sichem, & called for the elders of Israel, and for theyr heades Iudges and offycers whiche presented them selues before God. 2 And Iosua sayde vnto all the people, thus saith the Lord God of Israel: your fathers dwelt on the other syde of the floude in olde tyme euen Thareh the father of Abraham and Nachor, and serued straunge Goddes. 3 But I toke youre father Abraham from the other syde of the floude, and brought hym into the lande of Canaan, & multyplyed hys seede, and gaue hym Isaac 4 Iacob and Esau And I gaue vnto Esau mounte Seyr to possesse it. But Iacob and hys chyldren wente doune into Egypte. 5 Then I sent Moses and Aaron. And I plaged Egypte, after the maner as I dyd amonge them, 6 and after that I broughte you out, & I brought youre fathers out of Egypt And ye came vnto the sea: and the Egypcyans folowed after youre fathers wyth Charettes and horsmen, vnto the red sea. 7 And they cryed vnto the Lord. And he put darckenesse betwene you and the Egypcyans, and brought the sea vpon them, and couered them. And youre eyes haue sene what I haue done in Egypte. And ye dwelte in the wyldernesse a longe ceason. 8 And I brought you into the lande of the Amorites which dwelte on the other syde Iordan. And they foughte with you: and I gaue them into youre handes. And ye conquered theyr contre. And I destroyed them in your syghte. 9 Then Balak the sonne of Ziphor, Kynge of Moab arose and warred agaynste Israell and sent & called Balam the sonne of Beor for to cursse you. 10 But I wold not agre to herken vnto Balam, and therfore he blessed you: And I delyuered you out of hys hande. 11 And when ye went ouer Iordan, and came vnto Iericho, the cytezens of Iericho foughte against you: the Amorytes, Pheresytes, Canaanytes, Hethytes, Girgosites, Heuites, Iebusites whiche I delyuered into youre handes. 12 And I sent hornettes before you and ye cast out before you euen the two Kynges of the Amorites: but not with youre owne swerd or wyth your owne bowe. 13 And I gaue you a lande in whiche ye dyd no laboure, & cytyes which you buylt not, & ye dwelte in them. And vynes, and Olyue trees which ye planted not, and ye ate of them. 14 And nowe feare the Lorde and serue hym in purenesse and truthe: And put awaye the Goddes which youre fathers serued on the other syde of the floude, and in Egypt, & serue the Lorde. 15 But yf it seme euyll vnto you to serue the Lorde, then chose you thys day whom you wyll serue whether the Goddes whiche youre fathers serued that were on the other syde of the floude, eyther the Goddes of the Amorytes in whose lande, ye dwelte, and I & my house wyll serue the Lorde. 16 And the people aunswered and sayd, God forbyd that we shulde forsake the Lorde and serue straunge Goddes. 17 For the Lorde oure God he it is that brought vs and our fathers out of the lande of Egypte, the house of bondage, and whiche dyd those myracles in oure syght, and preserued vs in all the waye we went and amonge all the nacyons whiche we came thorow. 18 And the Lorde dyd cast out before vs all the nacyons wyth the Amorytes, whiche dwelt in the lande, wherfore we wyll serue the Lorde, for he is oure God. 19 But Iosua sayde vnto the people, ye can not serue the Lorde: for he is an holye God & cannot beare youre transgressyon and synne. 20 But when ye haue forsaken the Lorde and haue serued straunge Goddes, he wyll turne and do you euyll, and consume you, after that he hath done you good. 21 And the people aunswered Iosua: naye, but we wyll serue the Lorde. 22 Then Iosua sayde vnto the folke, ye are wytnesses vnto youre selues, that ye haue chosen you the Lorde, to serue hym: and they said we are wytnesses. 23 Then put awaye, sayde he the straung Goddes which are among you, and bowe your hertes vnto the Lorde God of Israell. 24 And the people aunswered Iosua: the Lorde oure God we wyll serue, & hys voyce we wyl obey. 25 And so Iosua made a couenaunt wyth the people the same daye, and set ordynaunces and lawes before them in Sichem. 26 And Iosua wrote these wordes in the boke of the lawe of God, and toke a great stone and pytched it on ende in the sayde place euen vnder an ocke that stode in the sanctuarye of the Lorde. 27 And Iosua sayde vnto all the people: beholde, thys stone shalbe a wytnesse vnto vs, for it hath hearde all the wordes of the Lorde whiche he spake wyth vs. It shalbe therfore a wytnesse vnto you, leste ye lye vnto youre God. 28 And so Iosua let the people departe euery man vnto hys enherytaunce. 29 And after these thynges the tyme came that Iosua the sonne of Nun and the seruaunte of the Lorde dyed beynge an hundreth and ten yeares olde. 30 Whom they buryed in the cuntrey of hys enherytaunce, euen in Thamnath sareh whiche is in mount Ephraim, on the north syde of the hyll of Gaas. 31 And Israel serued the Lorde all the dayes of Iosua, and all the dayes of the elders that ouer lyued Iosua, and whiche had sene al the worckes of the Lorde that he had done to Israell. 32 And the bones of Ioseph, whiche the chyldren of Israell brought oute of Egypte, they buryed in Sichem, in a parcell of ground which Iacob bought of the sonnes of Hemor the father of Sichem, for an hundreth peaces of syluer, which parcell became the enherytaunce of the chyldren of Ioseph. 33 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron dyed, whom they buryed in Gabaath that pertained to Phinehes hys sonne, and was geuen hym in mounte Ephraim.