Hebrews 4:3-9

Matthew(i) 3 But we whiche haue beleued, do enter into his reste, as contrarywyse he sayde to the other: I haue sworne in my wrath, they shal not enter into my rest. And that spake he verely longe after that the workes were made, and the foundacion of the worlde layde. 4 For he spake in a certaine place of the seuenth day, on this wyse: And God dyd reste the seuenth daye from all his workes. 5 And in this place againe: They shall not come into my reste. 6 Seynge therfore it foloweth that some must inter therinto, and they to whom it was fyrst preached, intred not therin for vnbeleues sake: 7 Againe he appointeth in Dauid a certaine present day after so longe a tyme, saiynge as it is rehearsed, this daye yf ye heare his voice, be not harde herted. 8 For yf Iosue had geuen them reste, then woulde he not afterwarde haue spoken of another day. 9 There remayneth therfore yet a rest to the people of God.