Ezekiel 18:9-19

Matthew(i) 9 he walked in my commaundementes, and kepeth my lawes, and perfourmeth them faithfully: This is a ryghteous man, he shal surely liue sayeth the Lord God. 10 Yf he now get a sonne, that is a murtherer a sheder of bloude: yf he do one of these thinges 11 (though he do not all) he eateth vpon the hilles: he defyled his neyghboures wife: 12 he greueth the poore & nedy: he robbeth and spoiled: he geueth not the detter his pledge againe he lyfteth vp his eyes vnto Idols, & medleth with abhominable thinges: 13 he lendeth vpon vsury, & taketh moreouer. Shall thys man lyue? He shall not lyue. Seynge he hath done all these abhomynacions, he shall dye, hys bloude shalbe vpon him. 14 Now yf this man get a sonne also, that seyth al his fathers synnes, whiche he hath done: and feareth, neyther doth such lyke. 15 Namely he eateth not vpon the mountaynes: he lyfteth not his eyes vp to the Idols of Israel: he defyleth not his neighboures wife: 16 he vexeth no man: he kepeth no mans pledge: he neyther spoyleth, nor robbeth anye man: he dealeth his meate with the hongrye: he clotheth the naked: 17 he oppresseth not the poore: he receyueth no vsury, nor any thinge ouer: he kepeth my lawes, and walcketh in my commaundementes: This man shall not dye in his fathers sinne, but shall lyue withoute fayle. 18 As for his father: because he oppressed and spoiled his brothers, and dyd wyckedly amonge his people: lo, he is dead in his owne sinne. 19 And yet saye ye: Wherfore then should not this sonne beare his fathers sinne? Therfore: because the sonne hath done equitie and ryght, hath kepte al my commaundementes, and done them: therfore shal he leue in dede.