2 Kings 6:8-12

Matthew(i) 8 And the kynge of Syrya fought agaynste Israel, & toke councell with hys seruauntes, saying: In soche a place and in soche a place wyll I pytche. 9 And the man of God sent vnto the kynge of Israel, sayinge: Beware thou go not by suche a place, for there are the Syryans gone doune. 10 And the kynge of Israel sent to the place which the man of God tolde him and warned hym of, and saued hym self there more then once or twyse. 11 And the hert of the kynge of Syrya was troubled therwyth, that he sent for his seruauntes, and sayde to them: wyl ye not shew me which of vs telleth the kynge of Israel. 12 And one of hys seruauntes sayde: naye my Lorde kyng. Elizeus the Prophet that is in Israell, he telleth the kynge of Israel the wordes that thou speakest in thy slepynge chambre.