1 Corinthians 3:5-15

Matthew(i) 5 What is Paule? What thinge is Apollo? Dulye ministres are they, by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue euerye man grace. 6 I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the increase. 7 So then neyther is he that planteth anye thinge neyther he that watreth: but God that gaue the increase. 8 He that planteth and he that wathereth, are neither better then the other. Euerye man yet shall receyue hys rewarde accordynge to hys laboure. 9 We are Goddes labourer, ye are Goddes husbandrye ye are Goddes buyldinge. 10 According to the grace of God geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layde the foundation. And another buylte theron. But let euery man take hede how he buildeth vpon. 11 For other foundation can no man laie, then that whiche is layde, whiche is Iesus Christ. 12 Yf any man buylde on this foundacion, golde, syluer, precyous stones timber, haye or stobble: 13 euerye mans worke shall appeare. For the daye shal declare it, & it shalbe shewed in fyre. And the fyre shall trye euery mannes worke, what it is. 14 Yf any mannes worke that he hath buylt vpon, byde: he shall receiue a rewarde. 15 If any mannes worke burne, he shall suffer losse: but he shalbe safe him selfe: neuerthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre.