Job 37:6-13

MSTC(i) 6 "When he commandeth the snow, it falleth upon the earth: As soon as he giveth the rain a charge, immediately the showers have their strength, and fall down. 7 He sendeth fear upon every man, that they might know their own works. 8 The beasts creep into their dens, and take their rest. 9 Out of the south cometh the tempest, and cold out of the north. 10 At the breath of God, the frost cometh, and the waters are shed abroad. 11 The clouds do their labour in getting moistness, the clouds pour down the rain. 12 He distributeth also on every side, according as it pleaseth him to deal out his works, that they may do whatsoever he commandeth them through the whole world: 13 whether it be to punish any land, or to do good unto them, that seek him.