1 Peter 4:12-19

JMNT(i) 12 Beloved ones, do not repeatedly feel like strangers to the burning (= the action of the Fire) within and among you folks, which is habitually happening to you with a view toward your being put to the test (or: which is repeatedly coming into being in the face of a proving trial for you; which is progressively birthing itself to an examination in you), as though a strange thing or a foreign occurrence is repeatedly walking with you folks. 13 But on the contrary, keep on rejoicing and being glad to the extent or degree that you folks are continually participating with a common share in the effects of the experiences and the results of the sufferings of the Christ, to the end that, while continuously exulting and celebrating exceedingly, you folks can (or: should; would) also rejoice within the unveiling of His glory (or: in union with the disclosure of His reputation; or: in the midst of the praise-inducing manifestation which is Him)! 14 Since (or: If) you folks are constantly being insulted and censured in (or: [because of] union with) the Name of Christ, [you are] happy ones (blessed folks), because God's spirit of glory and power (or: the Breath-effect of the reputation and of the ability of God) is continuously "resting back upon" you folks [cf. Isa. 11:2]. 15 Of course let not any one of you folks be experiencing suffering as a murderer, or a thief, or a doer of worthless or evil things, or, as a meddler (an interferer) in other people's affairs (or: one who focuses on things strange, foreign or "other, " or involving a place-change). 16 Yet if as a Christian [she or he is suffering], let him or her not continue feeling shame or embarrassment, but let him or her constantly glorify (give credit to; enhance the reputation of; bring an opinion of high status for) God within this Name (or: in union with this name [i.e., "Christian;" or, referring to "the Name of Christ" in vs. 14, above]), 17 because [it is; this is; now is] the [other MSS: a] fitting situation and fertile moment of the appointed season for the result of the judgment (the effect of the separating for evaluation and decision) to begin (to start) from God's house. Now if first from us, what [will be] the closing act (the final stage; the end; the consummation; the outcome; the finished product) pertaining to those continuing unpersuaded and unconvinced by (or: uncompliant to; disobedient to; stubborn in) God's message of goodness and well-being (or: good news)? 18 "And if the rightwised one (the fair and just person in right relationships in accord to the Way pointed out) is repeatedly delivered (rescued; brought to safety; made healthy and whole) with difficult labor, then where will the irreverent (the person without pious awe) and the failure (the one who makes mistakes and cannot hit the target; the sinner; the outcast) proceed in making an appearance?" [Prov. 11:31] 19 So then, also, let those repeatedly feeling the effects of experiences and of suffering which correspond to, and [are] in the sphere of, God's will (intent; purpose) continuously commit their souls to a Faithful Former (or: Loyal Founder; Trustworthy Creator), within [the] producing of good (in union with making of virtue; in construction of excellence; within the midst of performing goodness).