Numbers 10:2-10

Great(i) 2 Make the two trompettes of syluer: of an whole pece shalt thou make them, that thou mayst vse them to call the congregacyon together, and when the hoost shall iorneye. 3 Therfore shall they blowe with them, that all the multitude maye resorte to the before the dore of the tabernacle of witnes. 4 And yf they blowe but one trompet, then the princes which are heedes ouer the thousandes of Israel shall come vnto the. 5 But yf ye trompe, the hostes that lye on the east partes shall go forward. 6 And ye trompe the second tyme, the hoost that lyeth on the south syde shall take their iorneye: for they shall trompe when they take their iorneyes. 7 But when the congregacion is to be gathred together they shall blowe only, and not trompe. 8 And the sonnes of Aaron the preast shal blowe wt their trompettes, & ye shall haue them as a lawe for euer in your generacions. 9 And yf ye go to warre in your lande against your enemyes that vexe you, ye shall blowe with the trompettes: and ye shalbe remembred before the Lorde your God, to be saued from your enemies. 10 Also in the daye of your gladnes, and in your feaste dayes, and in the begynning of your monethes, ye shall blow the trompettes ouer your burntsacrifyces & peaceoffringes, that they maye be a remembraunce for you before youre God. I am the Lorde youre God.