Joshua 24:21-25

Great(i) 21 And the people sayde vnto Iosua: naye, but we will serue the Lorde. 22 And Iosua sayde vnto the people: ye are witnesses youre selues, that ye haue chosen you the Lorde, to serue him: and they sayd: we are wytnesses. 23 Then put awaye (sayde he) the straunge goddes which are amonge you, and bowe youre hertes vnto the Lorde God of Israell. 24 The people sayde vnto Iosua: the Lord oure God will we serue, and his voyce will we obeye, 25 And so Iosua made a couenant with the people the same daye, and set an ordinaunce and lawe before them in Sichem.