2 Chronicles 28:16-22

Great(i) 16 At that same tyme dyd kyng Ahaz send vnto the kynges of Assur, to haue helpe of them. 17 And the Edomites came agayne, and slue some of Iuda, and caryed awaye captyues. 18 And the Philistines inuaded the cities in the lowe countrey, and towarde the south of Iuda: & toke Bethsames, & Aialon, and Gederoth, and Socho with the townes longynge therto, and Thimna with the townes of the same: Gimso, and the townes therof, and dwelt there. 19 For the Lord brought Iuda lowe, because of Ahaz kynge of Iuda, which made Iuda naked, & transgressed sore against the Lorde. 20 And Thilgath pilneser kynge of the Assyrians came vpon him, and troubled him rather then strengthed hym. 21 For Ahaz toke awaye a porcion out of the house of the Lorde, and out of the kynges house, & out of the Lordes houses, & gaue vnto the kynge of the Assyrians: and yet it helped him not. 22 And in the very tyme of hys tribulacion dyd kyng Ahaz trespace yet moare agaynst the Lord.