Genesis 8:1-11:32

Geneva(i) 1 Now God remembred Noah and euery beast, and all the cattell that was with him in the Arke: therefore God made a winde to passe vpon the earth, and the waters ceased. 2 The fountaines also of the deepe and the windowes of heauen were stopped and the raine from heauen was restrained, 3 And the waters returned from aboue the earth, going and returning: and after the ende of the hundreth and fiftieth day the waters abated. 4 And in the seuenth moneth, in the seuenteenth day of the moneth, the Arke rested vpon the mountaines of Ararat. 5 And the waters were going and decreasing vntill the tenth moneth: in the tenth moneth, and in the first day of the moneth were the toppes of the mountaines seene. 6 So after fourtie dayes, Noah opened the windowe of the Arke, which he had made, 7 And sent forth a rauen, which went out going forth and returning, vntill the waters were dried vp vpon the earth. 8 Againe he sent a doue from him, that he might see if the waters were diminished from off the earth. 9 But the doue found no rest for the sole of her foote: therefore she returned vnto him into the Arke (for the waters were vpon the whole earth) and he put forth his hand, and receiued her, and tooke her to him into the Arke. 10 And he abode yet other seuen dayes, and againe he sent forth the doue out of the Arke. 11 And the doue came to him in ye euening, and loe, in her mouth was an oliue leafe that she had pluckt: whereby Noah knewe that the waters were abated from off the earth. 12 Notwithstanding he wayted yet other seuen dayes, and sent forth the doue, which returned not againe vnto him any more. 13 And in the sixe hundreth and one yeere, in the first day of the first moneth the waters were dryed vp from off the earth: and Noah remoued the couering of the Arke and looked, and beholde, the vpper part of the ground was drie. 14 And in the second moneth, in the seuen and twentieth day of the moneth was the earth drie. 15 Then God spake to Noah, saying, 16 Goe forth of the Arke, thou and thy wife, and thy sonnes and thy sonnes wiues with thee. 17 Bring forth with thee euery beast that is with thee, of all flesh, both foule and cattell, and euery thing that creepeth and moueth vpon the earth, that they may breede abundantly in ye earth, and bring forth fruite and increase vpon ye earth. 18 So Noah came forth, and his sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes wiues with him. 19 Euery beast, euery creeping thing, and euery foule, all that moueth vpon the earth after their kindes went out of the Arke. 20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and tooke of euery cleane beast, and of euery cleane foule, and offered burnt offerings vpon the altar. 21 And the Lord smellled a sauour of rest, and the Lord said in his heart, I will hencefoorth curse the ground no more for mans cause: for the imagination of mans heart is euill, euen from his youth: neither will I smite any more all things liuing, as I haue done. 22 Hereafter seede time and haruest, and colde and heate, and sommer and winter, and day and night shall not cease, so long as ye earth remaineth. 9 1 And God blessed Noah and his sonnes, and said to them, Bring foorth fruite, and multiplie, and replenish the earth. 2 Also the feare of you, and the dread of you shalbe vpon euery beast of the earth, and vpon euery foule of the heauen, vpon all that moueth on the earth, and vpon all the fishes of the sea: into your hand are they deliuered. 3 Euery thing that moueth and liueth, shall be meate for you: as the greene herbe, haue I giuen you all things. 4 But flesh with the life thereof, I meane, with the blood thereof, shall ye not eate. 5 For surely I will require your blood, wherein your liues are: at the hand of euery beast will I require it: and at the hand of man, euen at the hand of a mans brother will I require the life of man. 6 Who so sheadeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God hath he made man. 7 But bring ye forth fruite and multiplie: grow plentifully in the earth, and increase therein. 8 God spake also to Noah and to his sonnes with him, saying, 9 Behold, I, euen I establish my couenant with you, and with your seede after you, 10 And with euery liuing creature that is with you, with the foule, with the cattell, and with euery beast of the earth with you, from all that goe out of the Arke, vnto euery beast of the earth. 11 And my couenant will I establish with you, that from henceforth all flesh shall not be rooted out by ye waters of the flood, neither shall there be a flood to destroy the earth any more. 12 Then God saide, This is the token of the couenant which I make betweene me and you, and betweene euery liuing thing, that is with you vnto perpetuall generations. 13 I haue set my bowe in the cloude, and it shalbe for a signe of the couenant betweene me and the earth. 14 And when I shall couer the earth with a cloud, and the bowe shall be seene in the cloude, 15 Then will I remember my couenant, which is betweene me and you, and betweene euery liuing thing in all flesh, and there shalbe no more waters of a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 Therefore the bowe shalbe in the cloude, that I may see it, and remember the euerlasting couenant betweene God, and euery liuing thing in all flesh that is vpon the earth. 17 God said yet to Noah, This is the signe of the couenant, which I haue established betweene me and all flesh that is vpon the earth. 18 Nowe the sonnes of Noah going foorth of the Arke, were Shem and Ham and Iapheth. And Ham is the father of Canaan. 19 These are the three sonnes of Noah, and of them was the whole earth ouerspred. 20 Noah also began to be an husband man and planted a vineyard. 21 And he drunke of ye wine and was drunken, and was vncouered in the middes of his tent. 22 And when Ham the father of Canaan sawe the nakednesse of his father, he tolde his two brethren without. 23 Then tooke Shem and Iapheth a garment, and put it vpon both their shoulders, and went backwarde, and couered the nakednesse of their father with their faces backwarde: so they sawe not their fathers nakednesse. 24 Then Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his yonger sonne had done vnto him, 25 And said, Cursed be Canaan: a seruant of seruants shall he be vnto his brethren. 26 He said moreouer, blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and let Canaan be his seruant. 27 God perswade Iapheth, that he may dwell in the tentes of Shem, and let Canaan be his seruant. 28 And Noah liued after the flood three hundreth and fiftie yeeres. 29 So all the dayes of Noah were nine hundreth and fiftie yeeres: and he died. 10 1 Now these are the generations of the sonnes of Noah, Shem, Ham and Iapheth: vnto whom sonnes were borne after the flood. 2 The sonnes of Iapheth were Gomer and Magog, and Madai, and Iauan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sonnes of Gomer, Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 Also the sonnes of Iauan, Elishah and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 Of these were the yles of the Gentiles deuided in their landes, euery man after his tongue, and after their families in their nations. 6 Moreouer, ye sonnes of Ham were Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan. 7 And the sonnes of Cush, Seba and Hauilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtecha: also the sonnes of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan. 8 And Cush begate Nimrod, who began to be mightie in the earth. 9 He was a mightie hunter before the Lord. wherefore it is saide, As Nimrod the mightie hunter before the Lord. 10 And the beginning of his kingdome was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land came Asshur, and builded Niniueh, and the citie Rehoboth, and Calah: 12 Resen also betweene Niniueh and Calah: this is a great citie. 13 And Mizraim begate Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim. 14 Pathrusim also, and Casluhim (out of whom came the Philistims) and Caphtorims. 15 Also Canaan begat Zidon his first borne, and Heth, 16 And Iebusi, and Emori, and Girgashi, 17 And Hiui, and Arki, and Sini, 18 And Aruadi, and Zemari, and Hamathi: and afterwarde were the families of the Canaanites spred abroade. 19 Then the border of the Canaanites was from Zidon, as thou commest to Gerar vntil Azzah, and as thou goest vnto Sodom, and Gomorah, and Admah, and Zeboijm, euen vnto Lasha. 20 These are the sonnes of Ham according to their families, according to their tongues in their countries and in their nations. 21 Vnto Shem also the father of all the sonnes of Eber, and elder brother of Iapheth were children borne. 22 The sonnes of Shem were Elam and Asshur, and Arpachshad, and Lud, and Aram. 23 And the sonnes of Aram, Vz and Hul, and Gether and Mash. 24 Also Arpachshad begate Shelah, and Shelah begate Eber. 25 Vnto Eber also were borne two sonnes: the name of the one was Peleg: for in his dayes was the earth diuided: and his brothers name was Ioktan. 26 Then Ioktan begate Almodad and Sheleph, and Hazarmaueth, and Ierah, 27 And Hadoram, and Vzal, and Dicklah, 28 And Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, 29 And Ophir, and Hauilah, and Iobab: all these were the sonnes of Ioktan. 30 And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest vnto Sephar a mount of the East. 31 These are the sonnes of Shem according to their families, according to their tongues, in their countreis and nations. 32 These are the families of the sonnes of Noah, after their generations among their people: and out of these were the nations diuided in the earth after the flood. 11 1 Then the whole earth was of one language and one speache. 2 And as they went from the East, they found a plaine in the land of Shinar, and there they abode. 3 And they said one to another, Come, let vs make bricke, and burne it in the fire. So they had bricke for stone, and slime had they in steade of morter. 4 Also they said, Goe to, let vs builde vs a citie and a towre, whose top may reache vnto the heauen, that we may get vs a name, lest we be scattered vpon the whole earth. 5 But the Lord came downe, to see the citie and towre, which the sonnes of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Beholde, the people is one, and they all haue one language, and this they begin to doe, neither can they now be stopped from whatsoeuer they haue imagined to do. 7 Come on, let vs goe downe, and there confound their language, that euery one perceiue not anothers speache. 8 So ye Lord scattered them from thence vpon all the earth, and they left off to build the citie. 9 Therefore the name of it was called Babel, because the Lord did there confounde the language of all the earth: from thence then did the Lord scatter them vpon all the earth. 10 These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundreth yeere olde, and begate Arpachshad two yeere after the flood. 11 And Shem liued, after he begate Arpachshad, fiue hundreth yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters. 12 Also Arpachshad liued fiue and thirtie yeeres, and begate Shelah. 13 And Arpachshad liued, after he begate Shelah, foure hundreth and three yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters. 14 And Shelah liued thirtie yeeres, and begat Eber. 15 So Shelah liued, after he begat Eber, foure hundreth and three yeeres, and begat sonnes and daughters. 16 Likewise Eber liued foure and thirtie yeres, and begate Peleg. 17 So Eber liued, after he begate Peleg, foure hundreth and thirtie yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters 18 And Peleg liued thirtie yeeres, and begate Reu. 19 And Peleg liued, after he begate Reu, two hundreth and nine yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters. 20 Also Reu liued two and thirtie yeeres, and begate Serug. 21 So Reu liued, after he begate Serug, two hundreth and seuen yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters. 22 Moreouer Serug liued thirtie yeeres, and begate Nahor. 23 And Serug liued, after he begate Nahor, two hundreth yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters. 24 And Nahor liued nine and twentie yeeres, and begate Terah. 25 So Nahor liued, after he begate Terah, an hundreth and nineteene yeeres, and begat sonnes and daughters. 26 So Terah liued seuentie yeeres, and begate Abram, Nahor, and Haran. 27 Nowe these are the generations of Terah: Terah begate Abram, Nahor, and Haran: and Haran begate Lot. 28 Then Haran died before Terah his father in the land of his natiuitie, in Vr of the Caldees. 29 So Abram and Nahor tooke them wiues. The name of Abrams wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahors wife Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah. 30 But Sarai was barren, and had no childe. 31 Then Terah tooke Abram his sonne, and Lot the sonne of Haran, his sonnes sonne, and Sarai his daughter in lawe, his sonne Abrams wife: and they departed together from Vr of the Caldees, to goe into the land of Canaan, and they came to Haran, and dwelt there. 32 So the dayes of Terah were two hundreth and fiue yeeres, and Terah died in Haran.