James 1:16-27

Diaglott(i) 16 Not be you let astray, brethren of me beloved ones. 17 Every gift good, and every gift perfect, from above is coming down from of the Father of the lights, with whom not one change, or of turning a shade; 18 having willed he begot us by a word of truth, in order that to be us, first-fruit a kind of the of himself creatures. 19 Therefore, brethren of me beloved ones, let be every man quick in order that to have heard, slow in order that to have spoken, slow in order to wrath. 20 Wrath for of man righteousness of God not works out. 21 Therefore putting away all filthiness and superabundance of badness, in meekness receive you the implanted word, that being able to save the lives of you. 22 Become you but doers of word, and not only hearers, deceiving yourselves. 23 Because if any one a hearer of word is and not a doer, this is like a man viewing the face of the birth of himself in a mirror; 24 he viewed for himself, and went away, and immediately forgot what sort he was. 25 He but having looked intently into a law perfect that of the freedom and having continued, this not a hearer of forgetfulness having become, but a doer of work, this blessed in the doer of himself shall be. 26 If any one thinks religious to be, not bridling tongue of himself, but deceiving heart of himself, of this vain the religion. 27 Religion pure and undefiled with the God and Father, this is, to oversee orphans and widows in the affliction of them, unspotted himself to keep from the world.