Jeremiah 49:7-22

Coverdale(i) 7 Vpon the Edomites hath the LORDE off hoostes spoken on this maner: Is there nomore wy?dome in Theman? Is there nomore good councell amonge his people? Is their wy?dome then turned clene to naught? 8 Get you hence, turne youre backes, crepe downe into the depe, O ye citesyns off Dedan. For I will bringe destructio vpon Esau, yee and the daye off his visitacion. 9 Yff the grape gatherers came vpon the, shulde they not leaue some grapes? Yff the night robbers came vpon the, shulde they not take so moch, as they thought were ynough? 10 But I will make Esau bare, and discouer his secretes, so that he shall not be able to hyde them. His sede shalbe waisted awaye, yee his brethren and his neghbours, ad he himselff shall not be left behinde. 11 Thou shalt leaue thy fatherlesse children behinde the, and I will kepe them and thy wydowes shall take their comforth in me. 12 For thus hath the LORDE spoken: Beholde, they that men thought were vnmete to drinke of the cuppe, haue dronken with the first: and thynkest thou then to be fre? No, no: thou shalt nether be quyte no fre, but thou must drynke also: 13 For why, I haue sworne by my selff (saieth the LORDE) that Bosra shall become a wyldernesse, an open shame, a laughinge stocke and cursynge: and hir cities shalbe a continuall deserte. 14 For I am perfectly infourmed of the LORDE, that he hath sent a message all ready vnto the Hiethen. Gather you together, and go forth agaynst them: make you ready to the battayle, 15 for lo: I will make the but small amonge the Heithen, and litle regarded amonge men. 16 Thy hie stomack & the pryde of thy herte haue disceaued ye, because thou wilt dwell in the holes of stony rockes, and haue the hie mountaynes in possession. Neuertheles though thy nest were as hie as the Aegles, yet wil I cast the downe, saieth the LORDE. 17 Morouer Idumea shall be a wildernesse: who so goeth by it, shalbe abashed, and wondre at all hir miserable plages. 18 Like as Sodom, Gomor and the cities that laye there aboute, were turned vpsyde downe (saieth ye LORDE) so shal no body dwell in Idumea, and no man shal haue his habitacion there. 19 Beholde, like as the Lyon cometh vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto ye grene pastures of Etha, so wil I dryue him, & make him runne agaynst her. But who is the yonge man that I will ordene therto? Who is like, vnto me? What is he that will stryue with me? What shepherde maye stonde in my hondes? 20 Therfore heare the councell of the LORDE, that he hath taken vpon Idumea: & his purpose, that he hath deuysed vpon the citesyns of Theman: The leest of the flocke shal teare them in peces, & loke what fayre thynge they haue, they shal make it waist, & them selues also. 21 At the noyse of their fall ye earth shal quake, the crie of their voyce shalbe herde vnto the reed see. 22 Beholde, ye enemie shall come and fle vp hither, like as it were an Aegle, & sprede his wynges vpon Bosra. Then shal the hertes of the worthies in Edom be as the herte of a woman trauelinge of childe.