
CLV(i) 1 The scroll of the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. 2 Abraham begets Isaac; now Isaac begets Jacob; now Jacob begets Judah and his brothers. 3 Now Judah begets Pharez and Zarah of Thamar. Now Pharez begets Hesron; now Hesron begets Aram; 4 now Aram begets Amminadab; now Amminadab begets Nahshon; now Nahshon begets Salmon; 5 now Salmon begets Boaz of Rahab; now Boaz begets Obed of Ruth; now Obed begets Jesse; 6 now Jesse begets David the king. Now David begets Solomon of the wife of Uriah; 7 now Solomon begets Rehoboam; now Rehoboam begets Abiah; now Abiah begets Asaph; 8 now Asaph begets Joshaphat; now Joshaphat begets Jehoram; now Jehoram begets Uzziah; 9 now Uzziah begets Jotham; now Jotham begets Ahaz; now Ahaz begets Hezekiah; 10 now Hezekiah begets Manasseh; now Manasseh begets Amos; now Amos begets Josiah; 11 now Josiah begets Jeconiah and his brothers at the Babylonian exile. 12 Now after the Babylonian exile Jeconiah begets Shalthiel; now Shalthiel begets Zerubbabel; 13 now Zerubbabel begets Abihud; now Abihud begets Eliakim; now Eliakim begets Azor; 14 now Azor begets Zadok; now Zadok begets Achim; now Achim begets Eliud; 15 now Eliud begets Eleazar; now Eleazar begets Matthan; now Matthan begets Jacob; 16 now Jacob begets Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus, Who is termed "Christ." 17 Then all the generations from Abraham till David are fourteen generations, and from David till the Babylonian exile are fourteen generations, and from the Babylonian exile till the Christ are fourteen generations. 18 Now Jesus Christ's birth was thus: At the espousal of His mother, Mary, to Joseph, ere their coming together, she was found pregnant by holy spirit. 19 Now Joseph, her husband, being just and not willing to hold her up to infamy, intended covertly to dismiss her. 20 Now at his brooding over these things, lo! a messenger of the Lord appeared to him in a trance, saying, "Joseph, son of David, you may not be afraid to accept Miriam, your wife, for that which is being generated in her is of holy spirit. 21 Now she shall be bringing forth a Son, and you shall be calling His name Jesus, for He shall be saving His people from their sins." 22 Now the whole of this has occurred that that may be fulfilled which is declared by the Lord through the prophet, saying: 23 "Lo! The virgin shall be pregnant
And shall be bringing forth a Son,
And they shall be calling His name 'Emmanuel,'
which is, being construed, "God with us." 24 Now, being roused from sleep, Joseph does as the messenger of the Lord bids him. And he accepted his wife, 25 and he knew her not till she brought forth a Son, and he calls His name Jesus.