Jeremiah 31:3-12

Bishops(i) 3 Euen so shall the Lorde nowe also appeare vnto me from farre [and say] I loue thee with an euerlasting loue, therfore by my mercie I haue drawen thee vnto me 4 I wyll repayre thee agayne O thou daughter of Israel, that thou mayest be fast and sure: thou shalt take thy tabrettes agayne, and go foorth with them that leade the daunce 5 Thou shalt plant vines agayne vpon the hylles of Samaria, and the grape gatherers shall plant, and commonly eate of it 6 For the dayes shall come when the watchmen vpon the mount of Ephraim shall crye, Arise, let vs go vp vnto Sion to our Lorde God 7 For thus saith the Lorde, Reioyce with gladnesse because of Iacob, crye vnto the head of the gentiles, speake out, syng and say, O Lorde saue thy people the remnaunt of Israel 8 Beholde, I wyll bryng them agayne from out of the north lande, and gather them from the endes of the worlde, with the blynde & lame that are among them, with the women that be great with chylde, & such as be also deliuered: and the companie of them that come agayne shalbe great 9 They shall come weepyng, and with mercifull pitie will I bring them hither agayne: I will leade them to the riuers of water in a strayght way where they shall not stumble: For I am Israels father, and Ephraim is my first borne 10 Heare the worde of the Lorde O ye gentiles, preache in the Isles that lye farre of, and say: He that hath scattered Israel, shall gather hym together agayne, and shall kepe hym as a sheephearde doth his flocke 11 For the Lorde hath redeemed Iacob, and ridde hym from the hande of the violent 12 And they shall come and reioyce vpon the hyll of Sion, and shall haue plenteousnesse of goodes, which the Lorde shall geue them, [namely] wheate, wine, oyle, young sheepe, and calues: and their soule shalbe as a well watered garden, for they shall no more be hungry