Genesis 34:25-30

Bishops(i) 25 And the thirde day, whyles they were sore, two of the sonnes of Iacob, Simeon & Leui Dinas brethren, toke eyther of them his sworde, and went into the citie boldely, and slue all that was male 26 And slue also Hemor and Sithem his sonne with the edge of the sworde, and toke Dina out of Sichems house, and went theyr way 27 And the sonnes of Iacob commyng vpon the dead, spoyled the citie, because they had defiled their sister 28 And toke their sheepe, oxen, and their asses, and whatsoeuer was in the citie, and also in the fieldes 29 And all their goodes, and all their children, and their wiues, toke they captiue, and made hauocke of all that was in the house 30 But Iacob sayde to Simeon & Leui: ye haue troubled me, and made me to be abhorred of the inhabitours of the land of the Chanaanite and the Pherezite: and I beyng fewe in number, they shall gather the selues together against me, and slay me, and so shall I and my house be destroyed