Hebrews 7:17-21

  17 G1063 for G3754 it is witnessed G4771 of him, Thou G2409 art a priest G1519 for G165 ever G2596 After G5010 the order G3198 of Melchizedek.
  18 G1063 For G1096 there is G3303   G115 a disannulling G4254 of a foregoing G1785 commandment G1223 because G846 of its G772 weakness G2532 and G512 unprofitableness
  19 G1063 (for G3551 the law G5048 made G3762 nothing G5048 perfect), G1680 and a G1898 bringing in G1680 thereupon of a G2909 better G1680 hope, G1223 through G3739 which G1448 we draw nigh G2316 unto God.
  20 G2532 And G2596 inasmuch G3745 as G3756 it is not G5565 without G3728 the taking of an oath
  21 G1063 (for G3303   G1526 they indeed have been G1096 made G2409 priests G5565 without G3728 an oath; G1161 but G3326 he with G3728 an oath G1223 by G846 him G3004 that saith G4314 of G846 him, G2962 The Lord G3660 sware G2532 and G3338 will G3756 not G3338 repent G4771 himself, Thou G2409 art a priest G1519 for G165 ever);