Matthew 21:19-20

  19 G2532 And G1492 [G5631] when he saw G3391 a G4808 fig tree G1909 in G3598 the way, G2064 [G5627] he came G1909 to G846 it, G2532 and G2147 [G5627] found G3762 nothing G1722 on G846 it, G1508 but G5444 leaves G3440 only, G2532 and G3004 [G5719] said G846 to it, G1096 0 { Let no G2590 fruit G1096 [G5638] grow G1537 on G4675 thee G3371 henceforth G1519 into G3588 the G165 age. G2532 } And G3916 immediately G4808 the fig tree G3583 [G5681] withered away.
  20 G2532 And G3101 when the disciples G1492 [G5631] saw G2296 [G5656] it, they marvelled, G3004 [G5723] saying, G4459 How G3916 immediately G4808 is the fig tree G3583 [G5681] withered away!