Exodus 1:14

  1:14   2532 και And 2736.1 κατωδύνων they grievously afflicted 1473 αυτών them 3588 την by the 2222 ζωήν life 1722 εν in 3588 τοις the 2041 έργοις [2works 3588 τοις   4642 σκληροίς 1hard] 3588 τω in the 4081 πηλώ mortar, 2532 και and 3588 τη in the 4141.1 πλινθεία making of bricks, 2532 και and 3956 πάσι in all 3588 τοις the 2041 έργοις works 3588 τοις   1722 εν in 3588 τοις the 3977.1 πεδίοις plains, 2596 κατά according to 3956 πάντα all 3588 τα the 2041 έργα works 3739 ων which 2615-1473 κατεδουλούντο αυτούς they were reducing them to slavery 3326 μετά with 970 βίας force.