2 Chronicles 9:11

  9:11   2532 και And 4160 εποίησεν [3made 3588 ο 1the 935 βασιλεύς 2king] 3588 τα [2from the 3586 ξύλα 3wood 3588 τα   4075.2 πεύκινα 4of pines 306.1 αναβάσεις 1ascents] 3588 τω for the 3624 οίκω house 2962 κυρίου of the lord, 2532 και and 3588 τω for the 3624 οίκω house 3588 του of the 935 βασιλέως king, 2532 και and 2788 κιθάρας harps 2532 και and 3476.1 νάβλας stringed instruments 3588 τοις for the 5605.1 ωδοίς singers. 2532 και And 3756-3708 ουκ ώφθησαν there was not seen 5108 τοιαύτα such as these 1715 έμπροσθεν before 1722 εν in 1093 γη the land * Ιούδα of Judah.