John 1:16 Cross References - WestSaxon990

16 And of his gefyllednesse we ealle onfengon gyfe for gyfe.

Matthew 3:11

11 Witodlice ic eow fullige on wætere to dæd-bote; Se þe æfter me töwerd ys he ys strengra þonne ic; Ðæs gescÿ neom ic wyrðe to berenne; He eow fullað on halgum gaste. & on fyre.

Matthew 3:14

14 Iohannes þa soðlice forbead him & cwæð; Ic sceal fram þe beon gefullod. & cymst ðu to me;

Matthew 13:12

12 Soþlice þam þe hæfþ. him byþ geseald & he haefð. Soþlice se þe næfð & þt þe he hæfð him bið ætbroden.

Luke 21:15

15 ic sylle eow muð & wïsdom. þam ne magon ealle eower wiðer-winnan wið-ständan & wið-cweðan;

John 3:34

34 Se ðe god sende sprycð godes word. ne sylþ god þone gast be gemete;

John 15:1-5

1 [Note: Ðys god-spel ge-byrað to sancte uitalis mæssan. A. Ego sum uitis uera & pater meus agricola est. A. B. ] [I]c eom soð wïn-eard. & min fæder ys eorð-tilia; 2 He deð ælc twig aweg on me þe blæda ne byrð; & he feormað ælc þara þe blæda byrþ þt hyt bere blæda ðe swiðor. 3 Nu ge synt clæne for þære spræce þe ic to eow spræc. 4 wuniað on me & ic on eow; Swa twig ne mæg blæda beran him-sylf. buton hit wunige on win-earde. swa ge ne magon eäc buton ge wunion on me; 5 Ic eom wïn-eard & ge synt twigu; Se ðe wunað on me & ic on him. se byrð mycle blæda. forðam ge ne magon nan ðing don butan me;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.