Song of Songs 7:1 Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 28:15
15 And thou shalt make the brestlappe of ensample with broderd worke: eue after the worke of the Ephod shalt thou make it: of golde, Iacyncte, scarlet, purple ad twyned bysse shalt thou make it.
Exodus 35:35
35 hath he fylled with wisdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen worke: they are also broderers and workers with nedle, In Iacyncte, scarlet, purple and bysse, and are weuers that can make all maner worke, and can deuyse sotle workes.
Luke 15:22
22 But his father sayde to his servautes: bringe forth that best garment and put it on him and put a rynge on his honde and showes on his fete.
2 Corinthians 6:18
18 and wilbe a father vnto you and ye shalbe vnto me sonnes and doughters sayth the lorde almyghty.
Ephesians 4:15-16
15 But let vs folowe the trueth in loue and in all thynges growe in him which is the heed that ys to saye Christ
16 in whom all the body ys coupled and knet togedder in every ioynt wherwith one ministreth to another (accordinge to the operacion as every parte hath his measure) and increaseth the body vnto the edyfyinge of it silfe in love.
Ephesians 6:15
15 and shood with showes prepared by the gospell of peace.
Philippians 1:27
27 Only let yovre conversacion be as it be cometh the gospell of Christ: that whether I come and se you or els be absent I maye yet heare of you that ye contynue in one sprete and in one soule labouringe as we do to mayntayne the fayth of the gospell
Colossians 2:19
19 and holdeth not the heed wherof all the body by ioyntes and couples receaveth norisshment and is knet to gedder and encreaseth with the in creasynge that commeth of god.