Joshua 7:1 Cross References - Tyndale
Jonah 1:7
7 And they sayde one to a nother come and lett vs cast lottes to know for whose cause we are thus troublede. And they cast lottes. And ye lott fell vppon Ionas.
1 Corinthians 5:1-6
1 There goeth a comen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amoge you and soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld have his fathers wyfe.
2 And ye swell and have not rather sorowed yt he which hath done this dede myght be put fro amoge you.
3 For I verely as absent in body even so present in sprete have determyned all redy (as though I were present) of him that hath done this dede
4 in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ when ye are gaddered togedder and my sprete with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christ
5 to deliver him vnto Satan for ye destruccio of the flesshe yt the sprete maye be saved in ye daye of ye Lorde Iesus.
6 Youre reioysinge is not good: knowe ye not that a lytle leve sowreth the whole lompe of dowe.