Hebrews 7:18 Cross References - Tyndale

18 Then the commaundmet that went a fore is disanulled because of hir weaknes and vnproffitablenes.

Acts 13:39

39 and yt by him are all yt beleve iustified fro all thinges fro the which ye coulde not be iustified by ye lawe of Moses.

Romans 3:31

31 Do we then destroye the lawe thorow fayth? God forbid. But we rather mayntayne the lawe.

Romans 8:3

3 For what the lawe coulde not doo in as moche it was weake because of the flesshe: that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe and by synne daned synne in ye flesshe:

Galatians 3:15

15 Brethren I will speake after the maner of men. Though it be but a mans testament yet no ma despiseth it or addeth eny thinge therto when it is once alowed.

Galatians 3:17

17 This I saye that the lawe which beganne afterwarde beyonde .iiii.C and .xxx. yeares doth not disanull the testament that was confermed afore of God vnto Christ ward to make the promes of none effect.

Galatians 4:9

9 But now seinge ye knowe god (yee rather are knowe of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies whervnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage?

Galatians 4:21

21 Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe have ye not hearde of the lawe?

1 Timothy 4:8

8 For bodely exercise proffiteth lyttll: But godlines is good vnto all thynges as a thynge which hath promyses of the lyfe that is now and of the lyfe to come.

Hebrews 7:11-12

11 Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron? 12 Now no dout yf the presthod be translated then of necessitie must the lawe be translated also.

Hebrews 7:19

19 For the lawe made nothynge parfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope by which hope we drawe nye vnto god.

Hebrews 8:7-13

7 For yf that fyrst testament had bene fautelesse: then shuld no place have bene sought for the seconde. 8 For in rebukynge them he sayth: Beholde the dayes will come (sayth the lorde) and I will fynnyshe apon the housse of Israhel, and apon the housse of Iuda, a newe testament: 9 not lyke the testament that I made with their fathers at that tyme, when I toke them by the hondes, to lede them oute of the londe of Egipte, for they continued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the lorde.
10 For this is the testament that I will make with the housse of Israhell: After those dayes sayth the lorde: I will put my lawes in their myndes, and in their hertes I will wryte them, and I wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 11 And they shall not teache, every man his neghboure, and every man his brother, sayinge: knowe the lorde: For they shall knowe me, from the lest to the moste of them: 12 For I wilbe mercifull over their vnrightwesnes, and on their synnes and on their iniquities. 13 In that he sayth a new testament he hath abrogat the olde. Now that which is disanulled and wexed olde, is redy to vannysshe awaye.

Hebrews 9:9-10

9 Which was a similitude for the tyme then present and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte as pertaynynge to the conscience 10 with only meates and drinkes and divers wesshynges and iustifyinges of the flesshe which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion.

Hebrews 10:1-9

1 For the lawe which hath but the shadowe of good thynges to come and not the thynges in their awne fassion can never with ye sacryfises which they offer yere by yere continually make the comers thervnto parfayte. 2 For wolde not then those sacrifises have ceased to have bene offered because that the offerers once pourged shuld have had no moare conscieces of sinnes. 3 Neverthelesse in those sacrifises is ther mencion made of synnes every yeare. 4 For it is vnpossible that the bloud of oxen and of gotes shuld take awaye synnes. 5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde he sayth: Sacrifice and offeringe thou woldest not have: but a bodie hast thou ordeyned me. 6 In sacrifices and synne offerynges thou hast no lust. 7 Then I sayde: Lo I come in the chefest of the boke it is written of me that I shuld doo thy will o god. 8 Above when he had sayed sacrifice and offerynge and burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou woldest not have nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the lawe) 9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter.

Hebrews 13:9

9 Be not caryed aboute with divers and straunge learnynge. For it is a good thynge that the herte be stablisshed with grace and not with meates which have not proffeted them that have had their pastyme in them.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.