Hebrews 8 Cross References - Tyndale

1 Of the thynges which we have spoke this is the pyth: that we have soche an hye preste that is sitten on ye right honde of the seate of maieste in heven 2 and is a minister of holy thynges and of the very tabernacle which God pyght and not ma. 3 For every hye prest is ordeyned to offer gyftes and sacryfises wherfore it is of necessitie that this man have somewhat also to offer. 4 For he were not a preste yf he were on ye erth where are prestes that acordynge to ye lawe 5 offer giftes which prestes serve vnto ye ensample and shadowe of hevenly thynges: even as the answer of God was geven vnto Moses when he was about to fynnishe the tabernacle: Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thynges accordynge to the patrone shewed to the in the mount. 6 Now hath he obtayned a more excellent office in as moche as he is the mediator of a better testament which was made for better promyses. 7 For yf that fyrst testament had bene fautelesse: then shuld no place have bene sought for the seconde. 8 For in rebukynge them he sayth: Beholde the dayes will come (sayth the lorde) and I will fynnyshe apon the housse of Israhel, and apon the housse of Iuda, a newe testament: 9 not lyke the testament that I made with their fathers at that tyme, when I toke them by the hondes, to lede them oute of the londe of Egipte, for they continued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the lorde.
10 For this is the testament that I will make with the housse of Israhell: After those dayes sayth the lorde: I will put my lawes in their myndes, and in their hertes I will wryte them, and I wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 11 And they shall not teache, every man his neghboure, and every man his brother, sayinge: knowe the lorde: For they shall knowe me, from the lest to the moste of them: 12 For I wilbe mercifull over their vnrightwesnes, and on their synnes and on their iniquities. 13 In that he sayth a new testament he hath abrogat the olde. Now that which is disanulled and wexed olde, is redy to vannysshe awaye.

Ephesians 6:20

20 whereof I am a messenger in bondes that therin I maye speake frely as it becommeth me to speake.

Colossians 3:1

1 If ye be then rysen agayne with christ seke those thynges which are above where Christ sitteth on the right honde of god.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which sonne beynge the brightnes of his glory and very ymage of his substance bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power hath in his awne person pourged oure synnes and is sitten on the right honde of the maiestie an hye

Hebrews 1:13

13 Vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme? Sit on my ryght honde tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole.

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherfore in all thynges it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethre that he myght be mercifull and a faythfull hye preste in thynges concernynge god for to pourge the peoples synnes.

Hebrews 7:26-28

26 Soche an hye prest it became vs to have which is wholy harmlesse vndefyled separat from synners and made hyar then heven. 27 Which nedeth not dayly (as yonder hie prestes) to offer vp sacrifice fyrst for his awne synnes and then for the peoples synnes. For that did he at once for all when he offered vp him silfe. 28 For the lawe maketh men prestes which have infirmitie: but the worde of the othe that came fence ye lawe maketh the sonne prest which is parfecte for ever more.

Hebrews 10:12

12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifyce for synnes sat him doune for ever on the right honde of god

Hebrews 12:2

2 lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynnyssher of oure fayth which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame and is set doune on the right honde of ye trone of God.

Revelation 3:21

21 To him that overcommeth will I graunte to sytt with me in my seate evyn as I overcam and have sytten with my father in his seate.

Exodus 28:1

1 And take thou vnto the, Aaron thi brother and his sonnes with him, from amonge the childern of Israel, that he maye minystre vnto me: both Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar Aarons sonnes.

Exodus 28:35

35 And Aaron shall haue it vppon him when he minystreth, that the sounde maye be herde when he goeth in in to the holy place before the Lorde and when he cometh out, that he dye not.

Exodus 33:7

7 And Moses toke the tabernacle ad pitched it without the hoste a ferre of fro the hoste, ad called it the tabernacle of wytnesse. And al that wold axe any questio of the Lorde, went out vnto the tabernacle of wytnesse which was without the hoste.

Luke 24:44

44 And he sayde vnto the. These are the wordes which I spake vnto you whyll I was yet with you: that all must be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophetes and in the Psalmes.

Romans 15:8

8 And I saye that Iesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the trueth of god to conferme the promyses made vnto the fathers.

2 Corinthians 5:1

1 We knowe suerly yf oure erthy mancion wherin we now dwell were destroyed that we have a bildinge ordeyned of god an habitacion not made with hondes but eternall in heve.

Colossians 2:11

11 in whom also ye are circucised with circumcision made mith out hondes by puttinge of the sinfull boddy of the flesshe thorow the circumcision yt is in Christ

Hebrews 9:8-12

8 Wherwith ye holy goost this signifyeng yt the waye of holy thynges was not yet opened whill as yet ye fyrst tabernacle was stondynge. 9 Which was a similitude for the tyme then present and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte as pertaynynge to the conscience 10 with only meates and drinkes and divers wesshynges and iustifyinges of the flesshe which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion. 11 But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a moare parfecte tabernacle not made with hondes: that is to saye not of this maner bildynge 12 nether by the bloud of gotes and calves: but by his awne bloud we entred once for all into the holy place and founde eternall redemcion.

Hebrews 9:23-24

23 It is then nede that the similitudes of hevenly thynges be purified with soche thynges: but the hevenly thynges them selves are purified with better sacrifises then are those. 24 For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with hondes which are but similitudes of true thynges: but is entred into very heven for to appere now in the syght of God for vs:

Hebrews 10:21

21 And seynge also that we have an hye prest which is ruler over ye housse of god

Hebrews 11:10

10 For he loked for a citie havinge a foundacio whose bylder and maker is God.

John 6:51

51 I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heave. Yf eny man eate of this breed he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve is my flesshe which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god.

Titus 2:14

14 which gave him silfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrightewesnes and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him silfe fervently geven vnto good workes.

Hebrews 5:1

1 For every hye prest that is taken from amoge men is ordeyned for men in thynges pertaynynge to god: to offer gyftes and sacryfyses for synne:

Hebrews 7:27

27 Which nedeth not dayly (as yonder hie prestes) to offer vp sacrifice fyrst for his awne synnes and then for the peoples synnes. For that did he at once for all when he offered vp him silfe.

Hebrews 9:14

14 How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god?

Hebrews 10:9-12

9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter. 10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all. 11 And every prest is redy dayly ministrynge and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge which can never take awaye synnes. 12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifyce for synnes sat him doune for ever on the right honde of god

Numbers 16:40

40 to be a remembraunce vnto the childern of Israel that no straunger whiche is not of the seed of Aaron come nere to offer cens before the Lorde that he be not made like vnto Corah and his companye: as the Lorde sayed vnto him by the hande of Moses.

Numbers 17:12-13

12 And the childern of Israel spake vnto Moses sayenge: beholde we are destroyed and all come to nought: 13 for whosoeuer cometh nye the dwellynge of the Lord dyeth. Shall we vtterly consume awaye?

Numbers 18:5

5 Wayte therfore apon the holye place and apon the alter yt there fall no moare wrath apon the childern of Israel:

Hebrews 7:11-15

11 Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron? 12 Now no dout yf the presthod be translated then of necessitie must the lawe be translated also. 13 For he of whom these thynges are spoken pertayneth vnto another trybe of which never man served at the aultre. 14 For it is evidet that oure lorde spronge of the trybe of Iuda of which trybe spake Moses nothynge concernynge presthod. 15 And it is yet a more evydent thinge yf after the similitude of Melchisedech ther aryse a nother prest

Hebrews 11:4

4 By fayth Abell offered vnto god a more plenteous sacrifice then Cayn: by which he obteyned witnes that he was righteous god testifyinge of his gyftes: by which also he beynge deed yet speaketh.

Exodus 25:40

40 And se that thou make them after the facyon that was shewed the in the mounte.

Exodus 26:30

30 And rere vp the habitacion acordinge to the facion ther of that was shewed the in the mount.

Exodus 27:8

8 And make the altare holowe with bordes: euen as it was shewed the in the mount, so lett them make it,

Numbers 8:4

4 and the worke of the candelsticke was of stiffe golde: both the shaft and the floures thereof. And accordinge vnto the visyon whiche the Lorde had shewed Moses euen so he made the candelsticke.

Acts 7:44

44 Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in ye wyldernes as he had apoynted the speakynge vnto Moses that he shuld make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene.

Colossians 2:17

17 which are nothinge but shaddowes of thynges to come: but the body is in Christ.

Hebrews 9:9

9 Which was a similitude for the tyme then present and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte as pertaynynge to the conscience

Hebrews 10:1

1 For the lawe which hath but the shadowe of good thynges to come and not the thynges in their awne fassion can never with ye sacryfises which they offer yere by yere continually make the comers thervnto parfayte.

Hebrews 11:7

7 By fayth Noe honored God after that he was warned of thinges which were not sene and prepared the arcke to the savinge of his houssholde thorowe the which arcke he condempned the worlde and became heyre of the rightewesnes which commeth by fayth.

Hebrews 12:25

25 Se that ye despise not him yt speaketh. For yf they escaped not which refused him that spake on erth: moche more shall we not escape yf we turne awaye fro him yt speaketh fro heve:

Luke 22:20

20 Lykewyse also when they had supped he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament in my bloud which shall for you be shedde.

Romans 9:4

4 which are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adopcion and the glorie and the covenauntes and the law that was geven and the service of God and the promyses:

2 Corinthians 3:6-11

6 which hath made vs able to minister the newe testamet not of the letter but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth but the sprete geveth lyfe. 7 Yf the ministracion of deeth thorow the letters figured in stones was glorious so yt the chyldren of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moses for the glory of his countenauce (which glory neverthelesse is done awaye) 8 why shall not the ministracion of the sprete be moche more glorious? 9 For if ye ministringe of condempnacio beglorious: moche more do the the ministracion of rightewesnes excede in glory. 10 For no dout that which was there glorified is not once glorified in respecte of this excedynge glory. 11 Then if that which is destroyed was glorious moche more shall that which remayneth be glorious.

Galatians 3:16-21

16 To Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He sayth not in the seedes as in many: but in thy sede as in one which is Christ. 17 This I saye that the lawe which beganne afterwarde beyonde .iiii.C and .xxx. yeares doth not disanull the testament that was confermed afore of God vnto Christ ward to make the promes of none effect. 18 For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe it cometh not of promes. But God gave it vnto Abraham by promes. 19 Wherfore then serveth ye lawe? The lawe was added because of transgression (tyll the seed cam to which ye promes was made) and it was ordeyned by angels in ye honde of a mediator. 20 A mediator is not a mediator of one. But God is one. 21 Ys the lawe then agaynst ye promes of God? God forbid. How be it yf ther had bene a lawe geve which coulde have geven lyfe: then no doute rightewesnes shuld have come by ye lawe.

Titus 1:2

2 vpon the hope of eternall lyfe which lyfe God that cannot lye hath promised before the worlde begane:

Hebrews 7:22

22 And for that cause was Iesus a stablyssher of a better testament.

Hebrews 8:7-13

7 For yf that fyrst testament had bene fautelesse: then shuld no place have bene sought for the seconde. 8 For in rebukynge them he sayth: Beholde the dayes will come (sayth the lorde) and I will fynnyshe apon the housse of Israhel, and apon the housse of Iuda, a newe testament: 9 not lyke the testament that I made with their fathers at that tyme, when I toke them by the hondes, to lede them oute of the londe of Egipte, for they continued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the lorde.
10 For this is the testament that I will make with the housse of Israhell: After those dayes sayth the lorde: I will put my lawes in their myndes, and in their hertes I will wryte them, and I wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people. 11 And they shall not teache, every man his neghboure, and every man his brother, sayinge: knowe the lorde: For they shall knowe me, from the lest to the moste of them: 12 For I wilbe mercifull over their vnrightwesnes, and on their synnes and on their iniquities. 13 In that he sayth a new testament he hath abrogat the olde. Now that which is disanulled and wexed olde, is redy to vannysshe awaye.

Hebrews 9:15-20

15 And for this cause is he the mediator of ye newe testament that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamet) they which were called myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce. 16 For whersoever is a testament there must also be the deeth of him that maketh the testament. 17 For the testament taketh auctoritie when men are deed: For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is alive. 18 For which cause also nether that fyrst testament was ordeyned with out bloud. 19 For when all the commaundementes were redde of Moses vnto all the people he toke ye bloud of calves and of Gotes with water and purple woll and ysope and sprynkled both the boke and all the people 20 sayinge: this is the bloud of the testament which god hath apoynted vnto you.

Hebrews 12:24

24 and to Iesus the mediator of the newe testament and to the spryncklynge of bloud that speaketh better then the bloud of Abell.

2 Peter 1:4

4 by the meanes whereof are geven vnto vs excellent and moste greate promises that by the helpe of them ye shuld be partakers of the godly nature in that ye flye the corrupcion of worldy lust.

Galatians 3:21

21 Ys the lawe then agaynst ye promes of God? God forbid. How be it yf ther had bene a lawe geve which coulde have geven lyfe: then no doute rightewesnes shuld have come by ye lawe.

Hebrews 7:11

11 Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron?

Hebrews 7:18

18 Then the commaundmet that went a fore is disanulled because of hir weaknes and vnproffitablenes.

Hebrews 8:6

6 Now hath he obtayned a more excellent office in as moche as he is the mediator of a better testament which was made for better promyses.

Matthew 26:28

28 For this is my bloude of the new testament that shalbe shedde for many for the remission of synnes.

Mark 14:24

24 And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many.

Luke 17:22

22 And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man and ye shall not se it.

1 Corinthians 11:25

25 After the same maner he toke the cup when sopper was done sayinge. This cup is the newe testament in my bloude. This do as oft as ye drynke it in the remebraunce of me.

2 Corinthians 3:6

6 which hath made vs able to minister the newe testamet not of the letter but of the sprete. For the letter kylleth but the sprete geveth lyfe.

Hebrews 9:15

15 And for this cause is he the mediator of ye newe testament that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamet) they which were called myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce.

Hebrews 10:16-17

16 This is the testament that I will make vnto them after those dayes sayth the lorde. I will put my lawes in their hertes and in their mynde I will write them 17 and their synnes and iniquyties will I remember no moare.

Genesis 19:16

16 And as he prolonged the tyme the men caught both him his wife ad his two doughters by the handes because the LORde was mercyfull vnto him ad they brought him forth and sette him without the cyte.

Exodus 19:4-5

4 ye haue sene what I dyd vnto the Egiptians and how I toke you vpp apon Egles wynges, and haue broughte you vnto my selfe. 5 Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment: ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations, for all the erth is myne.

Exodus 24:3-11

3 And Moses came ad tolde the people al the wordes of the Lorde and all the lawes. And all the people answered with one voyce and sayde: all the wordes which the Lorde hath sayde, will wee doo. 4 Then Moses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde and rose vp early ad made an alter vnder the hyll, and .xij. pilers acordynge to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of Israel, 5 ad sent yonge men of the childern of Israel to sacryfyce burntoffrynges ad to offre peaceoffrynges of oxen vnto the Lorde. 6 And Moses toke halfe of the bloude and put it in basens, and the otherhalfe he sprenkeld on the alter. 7 And he toke the boke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people. And they seyde. All that the Lorde hath sayde, we will do and heare. 8 And Moses toke the bloude ad sprinkeld it on the people ad sayde: beholde, this is the bloude of the appoyntment which the Lorde hath made wyth you apon all these wordes. 9 Then went Moses and Aaron, Nadab ad Abihu and the .lxx. elders of Israel vppe, 10 and sawe the God of Israel, and vnder his fete as it were a brycke worde of Saphir and as it were the facyon of heauen when is it cleare, 11 and apo the nobles of the childern of Israel he sett not his hande. And when they had sene God they ate and dronke.

Exodus 32:8

8 haue marred all they are turned at once out of the waye whiche I comaunded the, ad haue made the a calfe of molten metall, ad haue worshipped it ad haue offred therto and haue saide: This is thy God thou Israel, which hath brought the out of the lande of Egipte.

Exodus 34:10

10 And he sayde: beholde, I make an appoyntment before all this people, that I will do maruells: soch as haue not bene done i all the worlde, nether amoge any nacyon. And all the people amonge which thou art, shall se the worke of the Lorde: for it is a terryble thinge that I will doo with the:

Exodus 34:27-28

27 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: write these wordes, for vppon these wordes I haue made a couenaunt with the and with the childern of Israel. 28 And he was there with the Lorde .xl. dayes ad .xl. nyghtes, ad nether ate bred nor dronke water. And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaunt: euen ten verses.

Deuteronomy 5:2-3

2 The Loode oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb. 3 The Lorde made not this bonde with oure fathers, but with us: we are they, which are al heare a lyue this daye.

Deuteronomy 29:1

1 These are the wordes of the appoyntmet which the Lorde commaunded Moses to make with the childern of Israel in the londe of Moab, besyde the appoyntment whiche he made with them in Horeb.

Deuteronomy 29:12

12 that thou shulddest come vnder the appoyntment of the Lorde thy God, and vnder his othe which the Lorde thy God maketh with the this daye.

Deuteronomy 29:25

25 And men shall saye: because they lefte the testamet of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them, whe he brought them out of the lande of Egipte.

Deuteronomy 31:16-18

16 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe with thi fathers, and this people will goo a whorynge after straunge goddes off the londe whother they goo and will forsake me and breake the appoyntement which I haue made with them. 17 And then my wrath will waxe whote agenst them, and I will forsake them and will hyde my face from them, and they shalbe consumed. And when moch aduersyte and tribulacion is come vppon them, then they will saye: because oure God is not amonge us, 18 these tribulacions are come vppon us. But I wil hyde my face that same tyme for all the euels sake which they shall haue wrought, in that they are turned vnto straunge goddes.

Mark 8:23

23 And he caught the blynde by the honde and leade him out of the toune and spat in his eyes and put his hondes apon him and axed him whether he saw ought.

Acts 9:8

8 And Saul arose from the erth and opened his eyes but sawe no man. Then ledde they him by the honde and brought him into Damasco.

Acts 13:11

11 And now beholde the honde of the Lorde is vpon the and thou shalt be blinde and not se the sunne for a season. And immediatly ther fell on him a myste and a darcknes and he went aboute sekinge them that shuld leade him by the honde.

Galatians 3:15-19

15 Brethren I will speake after the maner of men. Though it be but a mans testament yet no ma despiseth it or addeth eny thinge therto when it is once alowed. 16 To Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He sayth not in the seedes as in many: but in thy sede as in one which is Christ. 17 This I saye that the lawe which beganne afterwarde beyonde .iiii.C and .xxx. yeares doth not disanull the testament that was confermed afore of God vnto Christ ward to make the promes of none effect. 18 For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe it cometh not of promes. But God gave it vnto Abraham by promes. 19 Wherfore then serveth ye lawe? The lawe was added because of transgression (tyll the seed cam to which ye promes was made) and it was ordeyned by angels in ye honde of a mediator.

Galatians 4:24

24 Which thinges betoken mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes the one fro the mounte Sina which gendreth vnto bondage which is Agar.

Genesis 17:7-8

7 Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the and thy seed after the in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the. 8 And I will geue vnto the ad to thy seed after the the lande where in thou arte a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan for an everlastynge possession and wil be their God.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment: ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations, for all the erth is myne. 6 Ye shall be vnto me a kyngdome of preastes and and holie people: these are the wordes which thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel.

Exodus 24:4

4 Then Moses wrote all the wordes of the Lorde and rose vp early ad made an alter vnder the hyll, and .xij. pilers acordynge to the nombre of the .xij. trybes of Israel,

Exodus 24:7

7 And he toke the boke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people. And they seyde. All that the Lorde hath sayde, we will do and heare.

Exodus 34:1

1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: hew the .ij. tables of stone like vnto the first that I maye write in the the wordes which were in the fyrst .ij. tables, which thou brakest.

Exodus 34:27

27 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: write these wordes, for vppon these wordes I haue made a couenaunt with the and with the childern of Israel.

Deuteronomy 30:6

6 And the Lorde thi God will circumcyse thine hert and the hert of thi seed for to loue the Lorde thi God with all thine hert and all thi soule, that thou mayst lyue.

Matthew 22:32

32 I am Abrahams God and Ysaacks God and the God of Iacob? God is not the God of the deed: but of the lyvinge.

Romans 9:25-26

25 As he sayth in Osee: I will call them my people which were not my people: and her beloved which was not beloved. 26 And it shall come to passe in the place where it was sayd vnto them ye are not my people: that there shalbe called the chyldren of the lyvynge God.

Romans 11:27

27 And this is my covenaunt vnto them when I shall take awaye their synnes.

1 Corinthians 6:16

16 Do ye not vnderstonde that he which coupleth him selfe with an harlot is become one body? For two (saith he) shalbe one flesshe.

2 Corinthians 3:3

3 in that ye are knowen how that ye are the pistle of Christ ministred by vs and written not with ynke: but with the sprete of the livynge God not in tables of stone but in flesshly tables of ye herte.

2 Corinthians 3:7-8

7 Yf the ministracion of deeth thorow the letters figured in stones was glorious so yt the chyldren of Israel coulde not beholde the face of Moses for the glory of his countenauce (which glory neverthelesse is done awaye) 8 why shall not the ministracion of the sprete be moche more glorious?

Hebrews 11:16

16 But now they desyre a better that is to saye a hevenlye. Wherfore God is not ashamed of them even to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a citie.

James 1:18

18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe that we shuld be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.

James 1:21

21 Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes all superfluite of maliciousnes and receave with meknes the worde yt is grafted in you which is able to save youre soules.

1 Peter 1:23

23 for ye are borne a newe not of mortall seed but of immortall by the worde of god which liveth and lasteth for ever.

1 Peter 2:9

9 But ye are a chosyn generacion a royall presthod an holy nacio and a peculiar people that ye shuld shewe the vertues of him that called you out of darknes into hys marvelous light

John 6:45

45 It is written in the Prophetes yt they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me.

Acts 8:10

10 Whom they regarded from ye lest to the greatest sayinge: this felow is the great power of God.

1 John 2:27

27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.

1 John 5:20

20 We knowe that the sonne of God is come and hath geven vs a mynde to knowe him which is true: and we are in him that is true through his sonne Iesu Christ. This same is very god and eternall lyfe.

Acts 13:38-39

38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethre that thorow this man is preached vnto you the forgevenes of synnes 39 and yt by him are all yt beleve iustified fro all thinges fro the which ye coulde not be iustified by ye lawe of Moses.

Ephesians 1:7

7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace

Colossians 1:14

14 in whom we have redempcion thurow his bloud that is to saye the forgevenes of sinnes

1 John 1:7-9

7 but and yf we walke in (lyght) even as he is in lyght then have we fellishippe with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne. 8 Yf we saye that we have no synne we deceave oure selves and trueth is not in vs. 9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.

1 John 2:1-2

1 My lytell children these thynges write I vnto you that ye synne not: yf eny man synne yet we have an advocate with ye father Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faythfull witnes and fyrst begotte of the deed: and Lorde over the kinges of the erth. Vnto him that loved vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud

Matthew 24:35

35 Heven and erth shall perisshe: but my wordes shall abyde.

1 Corinthians 13:8

8 Though that prophesyinge fayle other tonges shall cease) or knowledge vanysshe awaye yet love falleth never awaye

2 Corinthians 5:17

17 Therfore yf eny man be in Christ he is a newe creature. Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thinges are be come newe.

Hebrews 7:11-12

11 Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron? 12 Now no dout yf the presthod be translated then of necessitie must the lawe be translated also.

Hebrews 7:18-19

18 Then the commaundmet that went a fore is disanulled because of hir weaknes and vnproffitablenes. 19 For the lawe made nothynge parfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope by which hope we drawe nye vnto god.

Hebrews 9:9-10

9 Which was a similitude for the tyme then present and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte as pertaynynge to the conscience 10 with only meates and drinkes and divers wesshynges and iustifyinges of the flesshe which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.