2 lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynnyssher of oure fayth which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame and is set doune on the right honde of ye trone of God.
Hebrews 12:2 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 16:21
21 From yt tyme forth Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples how yt he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer many thinges of ye Elders and of ye hye prestes and of the scribes and must be killed and ryse agayne ye thirde daye.
Matthew 20:18-20
18 Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of ma shalbe betrayed vnto ye chefe prestes and vnto the scribes and they shall condene him to deeth
19 and shall delyvre him to the getils to be mocked to be scourged and to be crucified: and ye thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne.
20 Then came to hym the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sonnes worshippynge him and desyringe a certayne thinge of him.
Matthew 20:28
28 eve as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.
Matthew 26:67-68
Matthew 27:27-50
27 Then the soudeours of the debite toke Iesus vnto the comen hall and gaddered vnto him all the company.
28 And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes:
30 and spitted vpon him and toke the rede and smoote him on the heed.
31 And when they had mocked him they toke the robe of him ageyne and put his awne reymet on him and leed him awaye to crucify him.
32 And as they came out they fonnde a man of Cyren named Simon: him they compelled to beare his crosse.
33 And whe they cam vnto ye place called Golgotha (that is to saye a place of deed mens sculles)
34 they gave him veneger to drinke mengled with gall. And when he had tasted therof he wolde not drinke.
35 When they had crucified him they parted his garmentes and did cast lottes: to fulfyll that was spoken by the prophet. They deuyded my garmetes amonge them: and apon my vesture did cast loottes.
36 And they sate and watched him there.
37 And they set vp over his heed the cause of his deeth written. This is Iesus the kynge of the Iewes.
38 And ther were two theves crucified with him one on ye right honde and another on the lyfte.
39 They that passed by revyled him waggynge ther heeddes
40 and sayinge: Thou that destroyest the temple of God and byldest it in thre dayes save thy sylfe. If thou be ye sonne of God come doune from the crosse.
41 Lykwyse also the hye prestes mockinge him with the scribes aud elders sayde:
42 He saved other him sylfe he can not save. If he be ye kynge of Israel: let him now come doune from the crosse and we will beleve him.
43 He trusted in God let him deliver him now yf he will have him: for he sayde I am the sonne of God.
44 That same also the theves which were crucified with him cast in his tethe.
45 From the sixte houre was there dercknes over all the londe vnto the nynth houre.
46 And about ye nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani. That is to saye my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Some of them that stode there when they herde that sayde: This man calleth for Helyas.
48 And streyght waye one of them ranne and toke a sponge and filled it full of veneger and put it on a rede and gave him to drinke.
49 Other sayde let be: let vs se whyther Helyas will come and deliver him.
50 Iesus cryed agayne with a lowde voyce and yelded vp the goost.
Mark 9:12
12 Moreouer I saye vnto you that Helyas is come and they have done vnto him whatsoever pleased them as it is wrytten of him.
Mark 9:24
24 When Iesus sawe that the people came runnynge togedder vnto him he rebuked the foule sprete sayinge vnto him: Thou domme and deffe sprete I charge the come out of him and entre no more into him.
Mark 14:36
36 And he sayd: Abba father all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will but that thou wilt be done.
Luke 17:5
5 And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith.
Luke 23:11
11 And Herod wt his men of warre despysed him and mocked him and arayed him in whyte and sent him agayne to Pylate.
Luke 23:35-39
35 And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with thee saying: he holpe other men let him helpe him selfe yf he be Christ the chosen of god.
36 The soudiers also mocked him and came and gave him veneger
37 and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of ye Iewes save thy silfe.
38 And his superscripcio was writte over him in greke in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes.
39 And one of the evyll doers which hanged rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ save thy selfe and vs.
Luke 24:26
26 Ought not Christ to have suffred these thinges and to enter into his glory?
John 1:29
29 The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commyge vnto him and sayde: beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.
John 6:40
40 And this is the wyll of him yt sent me: yt every man which seith ye sonne and beleveth on him have everlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at ye last daye.
John 8:56
56 Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye and he sawe it and reioysed.
John 12:24
24 Verely verely I saye vnto you except ye wheate corne fall into the grounde and dye it bydeth alone. Yf it dye it brengeth forth moche frute.
John 12:27-28
John 12:32
32 And I yf I were lifte vp from the erthe will drawe all men vnto me.
John 13:3
3 Iesus knowinge that the father had geve all thinges into his hondes. And that he was come from God and went to God
John 13:31-32
John 17:1-4
1 These wordes spake Iesus and lyfte vp his eyes to heven and sayde: father the houre is come: glorify thy sonne that thy sonne maye glorify the:
2 as thou hast geve him power over all fleshe that he shuld geve eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast geven him.
3 This is lyfe eternall that they myght knowe the that only very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ.
4 I have glorified ye on the erth. I have fynysshed ye worke which thou gavest me to do.
Acts 2:25-26
Acts 2:36
36 So therfore let all the housse of Israel knowe for a suerty yt God hath made ye same Iesus whom ye have crucified lorde and Christ.
Acts 5:31
31 Him hath god lifte vp with his right hand to be a ruler and a savioure for to geve repetauce to Israell and forgevenes of synnes.
Acts 5:41
41 And they departed from the counsell reioysynge yt they were counted worthy to soffre rebuke for his name.
1 Corinthians 1:7-8
Ephesians 2:16
16 and to recocile both vnto god in one body thorow his crosse and slewe hatred therby:
Ephesians 5:2
2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god.
Philippians 1:6
6 and am suerly certified of this that he which beganne a good worke in you shall go forthe with it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christ
Philippians 2:8-11
8 and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto ye deeth even the deeth of the crosse.
9 Wherfore god hath exalted him and geve him a name above all names:
10 that in the name of Iesus shuld every knee bowe bothe of thinges in heve and thinges in erth and thinges vnder erth
11 and that all tonges shuld confesse that Iesus Christ is the lorde vnto the prayse of God the father.
Philippians 3:20
20 But oure conversacion is in heven from whence we loke for a saveour enen the lorde Iesus Christ
2 Timothy 4:8
8 From hence forth is layde vp for me a croune of rightewesnes which the lorde that is a righteous iudge shall geve me at that daye: not to me only but vnto all them that love his commynge.
Titus 2:13-14
Hebrews 1:3
3 Which sonne beynge the brightnes of his glory and very ymage of his substance bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power hath in his awne person pourged oure synnes and is sitten on the right honde of the maiestie an hye
Hebrews 1:13
13 Vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme? Sit on my ryght honde tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole.
Hebrews 2:7-10
7 After thou haddest for a season made him lower then the angels: thou crounedst him with honour and glory and hast set him above the workes of thy hondes.
8 Thou hast put all thynges in subieccion vnder his fete. In that he put all thynges vnder him he left nothynge that is not put vnder him.
9 Neverthelesse we yet se not all thynges subdued but him yt was made lesse the ye angelles: we se that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory and honour for the sofferinge of death: that he by the grace of god shulde tast of deeth for all men.
10 For it becam him for whom are all thynges and by whom are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he shuld make the lorde of their saluacion parfect thorow sofferynge.
Hebrews 5:9
9 and was made parfaite and the cause of eternall saluacion vnto all them that obey him:
Hebrews 7:19
19 For the lawe made nothynge parfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope by which hope we drawe nye vnto god.
Hebrews 8:1
1 Of the thynges which we have spoke this is the pyth: that we have soche an hye preste that is sitten on ye right honde of the seate of maieste in heven
Hebrews 9:28
28 so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.
Hebrews 10:5-12
5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde he sayth: Sacrifice and offeringe thou woldest not have: but a bodie hast thou ordeyned me.
6 In sacrifices and synne offerynges thou hast no lust.
7 Then I sayde: Lo I come in the chefest of the boke it is written of me that I shuld doo thy will o god.
8 Above when he had sayed sacrifice and offerynge and burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou woldest not have nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the lawe)
9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter.
10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.
11 And every prest is redy dayly ministrynge and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge which can never take awaye synnes.
12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifyce for synnes sat him doune for ever on the right honde of god
Hebrews 10:14
14 For with one offerynge hath he made parfecte for ever them yt are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:33
33 partly whill all men wondred and gased at you for the shame and trioulacion that was done vnto you and partly whill ye became companyons of the which so passed their tyme.
Hebrews 11:36
36 Other tasted of mockynges and scourginginges morover of bondes and presonmet:
Hebrews 12:3
3 Consider therfore how that he endured suche speakinge agaynst him of synners lest ye shuld be weried and faynte in youre myndes.
Hebrews 13:13
13 Let vs goo forth therfore out of the tentes and suffer rebuke with him.
1 Peter 1:11
11 searchinge whe or at what tyme the sprete of Christ which was in them shuld signifie which sprete testified before the passions that shuld come vnto Christ and the glory that shuld folowe after:
1 Peter 2:23-24
23 which when he was reviled reviled not agayne: whe he suffered he threatened not: but comitted the cause to him that iudgeth ryghteously
24 which his awne silfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shuld be delyvered from synne and shuld lyve in rightewesnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.
1 Peter 3:18
18 For as moche as Christ hath once suffered for synnes ye iuste for ye vniuste forto bringe vs to God and was kylled as pertayninge to the flesshe: but was quyckened in the sprete.
1 Peter 3:22
22 which is oure right honde of God and is gone into heve angels power and myght subdued vnto him.
1 Peter 4:14-16
14 If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ happie are ye. For the sprete of glory and the sprete of god resteth apon you. On their parte he is evyll spoken of: but on youre parte he is glorified.
15 Se that none of you suffre as a murtherer or as a thefe or an evyll doar or as a busybody in other mens matters.
16 Yf eny man suffre as a Christe man let him not be ashamed: but let him glorifie god on his behalfe.
1 John 1:1-3
1 That which was fro the begynninge concerninge which we have hearde which we have sene with oure eyes which we have loked vpon and oure hondes have hadled of the worde of life.
2 For the lyfe appered and we have sene and beare witnes and shewe vnto you that eternall lyfe which was with the father and appered vnto vs.
3 That which we have sene and herde declare we vnto you that ye maye have felloushippe with vs and that oure fellishippe maye be with the father and his sonne Iesus Christ.
Jude 1:21
21 and kepe youre selves in the love of God lokinge for ye mercy of oure lorde Iesus Christ vnto eternall lyfe.
Revelation 1:8
8 I am Alpha and Omega the begynninge and the endinge sayth the Lorde almyghty which is and which was and which is to come.
Revelation 1:11
11 sayinge: I am Alpha and Omega the fyrst and the laste. That thou seist write in a boke and sende it vnto the congregacions which are in Asia vnto Ephesus and vnto Smyrna and vnto Pargamos and vnto Thiatira and vnto Sardis and vnto Philadelphia and vnto Laodicia.
Revelation 1:17
17 And when I sawe him I fell at his fete even as deed. And he layde hys ryght honde apon me sayinge vnto me: feare not. I am the fyrst and the laste
Revelation 2:8
8 And vnto the angell of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte: These thynges sayth he that is fyrst and the laste which was deed and is alive.