Genesis 20 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And Abraham departed thence towarde the southcontre and dwelled betwene Cades and Sur ad sogeorned in Gerar. 2 And Abraham sayde of Sara his wyfe that she was his sister. Than Abimelech kynge of Gerar sent and fett Sara awaye. 3 And God came to Abimelech by nyghte in a dreame and sayde to him: Se thou art but a deed man for the womas sake which thou hast taken awaye for she is a mans wyfe. 4 But Abimelech had not yet come nye her and therfore sayde: lorde wilt thou sley rightewes people? 5 sayde not he vnto me that she was hys sister? yee and sayde not she herself that he was hir brother? wyth a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this. 6 And God sayde vnto him in a dreame. I wot it well that thou dydest it in the purenesse of thi herte. And therfore I kepte ye that thou shuldest not synne agenst me nether suffred I the to come nygh her. 7 Now therfore delyuer the ma his wyfe ageyne for he is a prophete. And let him praye for the that thou mayst lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not agayne be sure that thou shalt dye the deth with all that thou hast. 8 Than Abimelech rose vp be tymes in the mornynge and called all his servauntes and tolde all these thinges in their eares and the men were sore a frayde. 9 And Abimelech called Abraham and sayde vnto him: What hast thou done vnto vs and what haue I offended the that thou shuldest brynge on me and on my kyngdome so greate a synne? thou hast done dedes vnto me that ought not to be done. 10 And Abimelech sayde morouer vnto Abraham: What sawest thou that moved the to do this thinge? 11 And Abraham Answered. I thought that peradveture the feare of God was not in this place and that they shulde sley me for my wyfes sake: 12 yet in very dede she is my sister the doughter of my father but not of my mother: and became my wyfe. 13 And after God caused me to wandre out of my fathers house I sayde vnto her: This kyndnesse shalt thou shewe vnto me in all places where we come that thou saye of me how that I am thy brother. 14 Than toke Abimelech shepe and oxen menservauntes and wemenseruauntes and gaue them vnto Abraham and delyvered him Sara his wyfe agayne. 15 And Abimelech sayde: beholde the lande lyeth be fore the dwell where it pleaseth ye best. 16 And vnto Sara he sayde: Se I haue geuen thy brother a thousande peeces of syluer beholde he shall be a couerynge to thyne eyes vnto all that ar with the and vnto all men and an excuse. 17 And so Abraham prayde vnto God and God healed Abimeleh and his wyfe and hys maydens so that they bare. 18 For the LORde had closed to all the matryces of the house of Abimelech because of Sara Abrahams wyfe.

Genesis 10:19

19 And the costes of the Canaanytes were fro Sydon tyll thou come to Gerara and to Asa and tyll thou come to Sodoma Gomorra Adama Zeboim: eve vnto Lasa.

Genesis 13:1

1 Than Abram departed out of Egipte both he and his wyfe and all that he had and Lot wyth hym vnto the south.

Genesis 14:7

7 And then turned they and came to the well of iugmente which is Cades and smote all the contre of the Amalechites and also the amorytes that dwell in Hazezon Thamar.

Genesis 16:1

1 Sarai Abrams wyfe bare him no childerne. But she had an hand mayde an Egiptian whose name was Hagar.

Genesis 16:7

7 And the angell of the LORde founde her besyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by a well in the way to Sur.

Genesis 16:14

14 Wherfore she called the well the well of the lyuynge that seith me which well is betwene Cades and Bared.

Genesis 18:1

1 And the LORde apeared vnto him in the okegrove of Mamre as he sat in his tent doze in the heate of the daye.

Genesis 24:62

62 And Isaac was a comige from the well of ye lyvynge and seynge for he dwelt in the south cotre

Genesis 26:1

1 And there fell a derth in ye lande passinge the first derth yt fell in the dayes of Abraham. Wherfore Isaac went vnto Abimelech kinge of ye Philistias vnto Gerar.

Genesis 26:6

6 And Isaac dwelled in Gerar.

Genesis 26:20

20 And the herdme of Gerar dyd stryue with Isaacs herdme saynge: the water is oures Than called he the well Eseck because they stroue with hym.

Genesis 26:26

26 Than came Abimelech to him fro Gerar and Ahusath his frende and Phicol his chefe captayne.

Numbers 13:26

26 And thei went and came to Moses and Aaron and vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel vnto the wildernesse of Pharan: euen vnto Cades and brougthe them worde and also vnto all the congregacion and shewed them the frute of the lande.

Numbers 20:16

16 Then we cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde oure voyces and sent an angell and hath fett us out of Egipte. And beholde we are in Cades a citie harde by the borders

Deuteronomy 1:19

19 And then we departed from Horeb and walked thorow all that greate and terreble wildernesse as ye haue sene alonge by the waye that ledeth vnto the hilles of the Amorites, as the Lorde oure God commaunded us, and came to Cades bernea.

Deuteronomy 32:51

51 For ye trespased agenst me amonge the childern of Israel at the waters off striffe, at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin: because ye sanctified me not amonge the childern of Israel.

Genesis 12:11-13

11 And when he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte he sayd vnto sarai his wife. Beholde I knowe that thou art a fayre woman to loke apo. 12 It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the. 13 saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake.

Genesis 12:15

15 And Pharaos lordes sawe hir also and praysed hir vnto Pharao: So that she was taken in to Pharaos house

Genesis 20:12

12 yet in very dede she is my sister the doughter of my father but not of my mother: and became my wyfe.

Genesis 26:7

7 And yt me of the place asked hi of his wife and he sayde yt she was his sister: for he feared to calle her his wife lest the me of the place shulde haue kylled hym for hir sake because she was bewtyfull to ye eye.

Genesis 26:16

16 Than sayde Abimelech vnto Isaac: gett the fro me for thou art myhhtier then we a greate deale.

Galatians 2:11-12

11 And when Peter was come to Antioche I withstode him in the face for he was worthy to be blamed. 12 For yerr that certayne came fro Iames he ate with the gentyls. But when they were come he withdrue and separated him selfe fearinge them which were of ye circumcision.

Ephesians 4:25

25 Wherfore put awaye lyinge and speake every man truth vnto his neghbour for as moche as we are members one of another.

Colossians 3:9

9 Lye not one to another that the olde man with his workes be put of

Genesis 20:7

7 Now therfore delyuer the ma his wyfe ageyne for he is a prophete. And let him praye for the that thou mayst lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not agayne be sure that thou shalt dye the deth with all that thou hast.

Genesis 28:12

12 And he dreamed: and beholde there stode a ladder apon the erth and the topp of it reached vpp to heaue. And se the angells of God went vp and downe apon it

Genesis 31:24

24 And God came to Laba the Siria in a dreame by nyghte and sayde vnto him: take hede to thi selfe that thou speake not to Iacob oughte save good.

Genesis 37:5

5 Moreouer Ioseph dreamed a dreawe and tolde it his brethren: wherfore they hated him yet the more.

Genesis 37:9

9 And he dreamed yet another dreame and told it his brethren saynge: beholde I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone and .xi. starres made obaysaunce to me.

Genesis 40:8

8 They answered him we haue dreamed a dreame and haue no man to declare it. And Ioseph sayde vnto the. Interpretynge belongeth to God but tel me yet.

Genesis 41:1-36

1 And it fortuned at .ij. yeres end that Pharao dreamed and thought that he stode by a ryuers syde and that there came out of the ryver 2 2.vij. goodly kyne and fatt fleshed and fedd in a medowe. 3 And him though that .vij. other kyne came vp after them out of the ryver euelfauored and leane fleshed and stode by the other vpon the brynke of the ryuer. 4 And the evill favored and Ienefleshed kyne ate vp the .vij. welfauored and fatt kyne: and be awoke their with. 5 And he slepte agayne and dreamed the second tyme that .vij. eares of corne grewe apon one stalke rancke and goodly. 6 And that .vij. thynne eares blasted with the wynde spronge vp after them: 7 and that the .vij. thynne eares deuowrerd the .vij. rancke and full eares. And than Pharao awaked: and se here is his dreame. 8 When the mornynge came his sprete was troubled And he sent and casted for all the soythsayers of Egypte and all the wyse men there of and told them his dreame: but there was none of them that coude interpretate it vnto Pharao. 9 Than spake the chefe buttelar vnto Pharao saynge. I do remembre my fawte this daye. 10 Pharao was angrie with his servauntes and put in warde in the chefe marshals house both me and the chefe baker. 11 And we dreamed both of vs in one nyght and ech mannes dreame of a sondrye interpretation. 12 And there was with vs a yonge man an Hebrue borne servaunte vnto the chefe marshall. And we told him and he declared oure dreames to vs acordynge to ether of oure dreames. 13 And as he declared them vnto vs euen so it came to passe. I was restored to myne office agayne and he was hanged. 14 Than Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preson. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment and went in to Pharao. 15 And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it. 16 And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me. 17 Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: in my dreame me thought I stode by a ryvers syde and there came out of the ryver 18 vij fatt fleshed ad well fauored kyne and fedd in the medowe. 19 And then .vij. other kyne came vp after them poore and very euell fauored ad leane fleshed: so that I neuer sawe their lyke in all the lande of Egipte in euell fauordnesse. 20 And the .vij. leane and euell fauored kyne ate vpp the first .vij. fatt kyne 21 And when they had eaten them vp a man cowde not perceaue that they had eate them: for they were still as evyll fauored as they were at the begynnynge. And I awoke. 22 And I sawe agayne in my dreame .vij. eares sprynge out of one stalk full and good 23 and .vij. other eares wytherd thinne and blasted with wynde sprynge vp after them. 24 And the thynne eares deuowred the .vij. good cares. And I haue tolde it vnto the sothsayers but no man can tell me what it meaneth. 25 Then Ioseph sayde vnto Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And god doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to do. 26 The vij. good kyne are .vij yeare: and the .vij. good eares are .vij. yere also and is but one dreame. 27 Lykewyse the .vij. thynne and euell fauored kyne that came out after them are .vij. yeares: and the .vij. emptie and blasted eares shalbe vij. yeares of hunger. 28 This is that which I sayde vnto Pharao that God doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to doo. 29 Beholde there shall come .vij. yere of great plenteousnes through out all the lande of Egypte. 30 And there shall aryse after them vij. yeres of hunger. So that all the plenteousnes shalbe forgeten in the lande of Egipte. And the hunger shall consume the lande: 31 so that the plenteousnes shall not be once asene in the land by reason of that hunger that shall come after for it shalbe exceading great 32 And as concernynge that the dreame was dubled vnto Pharao the second tyme it belokeneth that the thynge is certanly prepared of God ad that God will shortly brynge it to passe. 33 Now therfore let Pharao provyde for a man of vnderstondynge and wysdome and sett him over the lande of Egipte. 34 And let Pharao make officers ouer the lande and take vp the fyfte parte of the land of Egipte in the vij. plenteous yeres 35 and let them gather all the foode of these good yeres that come ad lay vp corne vnder the power of Pharo: that there may be foode in the cities 36 and there let them kepte it: that there may be foode in stoore in the lande agaynst the .vij. yeres of hunger which shall come in the lande of Egipte and that the lande perishe not thorow hunger.

Jonah 3:4

4 And Ionas went to and entred in to ye citie euen a dayes iourney and cried sayenge: There shall not passe .xl. dayes but Niniue shalbe ouerthrowen.

Matthew 1:20

20 Whill he thus thought behold ye angell of ye Lorde appered vnto him in a dreame saynge: Ioseph ye sonne of David feare not to take vnto ye Mary thy wyfe. For that which is coceaved in her is of the holy goost.

Matthew 2:12-13

12 And after they were warned of God in a dreame that they shuld not go ageyne to Herod they retourned into their awne countre another waye. 13 When they were departed: beholde the angell of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte and abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod will seke the chylde to destroye hym.

Matthew 27:19

19 When he was set doune to geve iudgemet his wyfe sent to him sayinge: have thou nothinge to do with that iuste man. For I have suffered many thinges this daye in a dreame about him.

Genesis 18:23-25

23 and drewe nere and saydeWylt thou destroy the rightwes with the wyked? 24 Yf there be .l. rightwes within the cyte wilt thou destroy it and not spare the place for the sake of .l. rightwes that are therin? 25 That be farre from the that thou shuldest do after thys maner to sley the rightwes with the weked ad that the rightwes shulde be as the weked: that befarre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all ye worlde do acordynge to righte?

Genesis 19:24

24 Than the LORde rayned vpon Sodome and Gomorra brymstone and fyre from the LORde out of heaven

Genesis 20:6

6 And God sayde vnto him in a dreame. I wot it well that thou dydest it in the purenesse of thi herte. And therfore I kepte ye that thou shuldest not synne agenst me nether suffred I the to come nygh her.

Genesis 20:17-18

17 And so Abraham prayde vnto God and God healed Abimeleh and his wyfe and hys maydens so that they bare. 18 For the LORde had closed to all the matryces of the house of Abimelech because of Sara Abrahams wyfe.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 Oure reioysynge is this the testimony of oure coscience yt in synglenes and godly purenes and not in flesshly wysdome but by the grace of God we have had oure conuersacion in the worlde and most of all to you wardes.

1 Thessalonians 2:10

10 Ye are witnesses and so is god how holyly and iustly and vnblameable we behaved oure selves amonge you that beleve:

1 Timothy 1:13

13 when before I was a blasphemar and a persecuter and a tyraut. But I obtayned mercy because I dyd it ignorautly thorow vnbelefe.

Genesis 3:3

3 but of the frute of the tree yt is in the myddes of the garden (sayd God) se that ye eate not and se that ye touch it not: lest ye dye.

Genesis 20:18

18 For the LORde had closed to all the matryces of the house of Abimelech because of Sara Abrahams wyfe.

Genesis 26:11

11 Tha Abimelech charged all his people saynge: he yt toucheth this man or his wife shall surely dye for it.

Genesis 31:7

7 And youre father hath disceaued me and chaunged my wages .x. tymes: But God suffred him not to hurte me.

Genesis 35:5

5 And they departed. And the feare of God fell vpon the cyties that were rounde aboute them that they durst not folowe after the sonnes of Iacob.

Genesis 39:9

9 He him selfe is not greatter in the house than I ad hath kepte nothige fro me but only the because thou art his wife. How than cam I do this great wykydnes for to synne agaynst God?

Exodus 34:24

24 for I will cast out the nacyons before the and will enlarge thi costes, so that no man shall desyre thi londe, while thou goest vp to appeare before the face of the Lorde thi God, thryse in the yere.

Leviticus 6:2

2 when a soule synneth ad trespaceth agaynst the Lorde and denyed vnto his neyghboure that which was taken him to kepe, or that was put vnder his hande, or that which he hath violently taken awaye, or that whiche he hath deceaued his neyghboure off wyth sotylte,

1 Corinthians 7:1

1 As concerninge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me: it is good for a ma not to touche a woman.

2 Corinthians 6:17

17 Wherfore come out from amoge the and separate youreselues (sayth the lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receave you

2 Thessalonians 2:7

7 For the mistery of that iniquitie doeth he all readie worke which onlie loketh vntill it be taken out of ye waye.

2 Thessalonians 2:11

11 And therfore god shall sende them stronge delusion that they shuld beleve lyes:

Genesis 2:17

17 But of the tre of knowlege of good and badd se that thou eate not: for even ye same daye thou eatest of it thou shalt surely dye.

Genesis 12:17

17 But God plaged Pharao and his house wyth grete plages because of Sarai Abrams wyfe.

Exodus 4:16

16 And he shalbe thy spokesma vnto the people: he shall be thy mouth ad thou shalt be his God.

Exodus 7:1

1 And the Lorde saide vnto Moses: beholde, I haue made the Pharaos God, and Aaron thy brother shal be thy prophete.

Exodus 12:1-3

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron in the londe of Egipte saynge: 2 This moneth shall be youre chefe moneth: eue the first moneth of the yere shal it be vnto you 3 Speake ye unto all the felowshipe of Israel saynge: that they take the .x. daye of this moneth to euery housholde, a shepe.

Exodus 18:17

17 And his father in lawe sayde vnto him: it is not well that thou dost.

Leviticus 6:4

4 Then when he hath synned or trespaced, he shall restore agayne that he toke violently awaye, or the wronge whiche he dyd, or that whiche was delyuered him to kepe, or the lost thinge which he founde,

Leviticus 6:7

7 And the prest shall make an atonemet for him before the Lorde, ad it shall be forgeue hi in what soeuer thinge it be that a ma doth ad trespaceth therein.

Numbers 16:32-33

32 and ye erth opened hir mouthe and swalowed them and their housses and all the me that were with Corah and all their goodes. 33 And they and all that pertayned vnto them went doune alyue vnto hell and the erthe closed apon them and they peryshed from amonge the congregacyon.

1 Corinthians 14:4

4 He that speaketh with tonges proffiteth him silfe: he that prophesyeth edifieth the congregacion.

Hebrews 1:1

1 God in tyme past diversly and many wayes spake vnto the fathers by Prophetes:

Hebrews 13:4

4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.

James 5:14-16

14 Yf eny be defeated amonge you let him call for the elders of the congregacion and let the praye over him and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde: 15 and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes they shalbe forgeuen him. 16 knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous ma avayleth moche yf it be fervet.

1 John 5:16

16 Yf eny man se his brother synne a synne that is not vnto deeth let him axe and he shall geve him lyfe for them that synne not vnto deeth. Ther is a synne vnto deeth for which saye I not that a man shuld praye.

Revelation 11:5-6

5 These are two olyve trees and two cadlestyckes stodinge before ye god of ye erth 6 And if eny man will hurt them fyre shall procede out of their mouthes and consume their ennemyes. And yf eny ma will hurt the this wyse muste he be kylled.

Genesis 12:18

18 Then Pharao called Abram and sayd: why hast thou thus dealt with me? Wherfore toldest thou me not that she was thy wyfe?

Genesis 26:10

10 The fayde Abimelech: whi hast thou done this vnto vs? one of ye people myght lightely haue lyne by thy wife and so shuldest thou haue broughte synne vpon vs

Genesis 34:7

7 And the sonnes of Iacob came out of the felde as soone as they herde it for it greued them and they were not a litle wrooth because he had wrought folie in Israell in that he had lyen with Iacobs doughter which thinge oughte not to be done.

Genesis 38:24

24 And it came to passe that after .iij. monethes one tolde Iuda saynge: Thamar thy doughter in lawe hath played the whoore and with playnge the whoore is become great with childe. And Iuda sayde: brynge her forth ad let her be brente.

Exodus 32:21

21 And tha Moses sayde vnto Aaro: what dyd this people vnto the that thou hast brought so great a synne apon them.

Exodus 32:35

35 And the Lorde plaged the people, because they made the calfe which Aaron made.

Leviticus 20:10

10 He that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wife shall dye for it: because he hath broke wedlocke with his neghbours wife, and so shall she likewise.

Romans 2:11

11 For ther is no parcialyte with god. But whosoever hath synned with out lawe shall perisshe wt out lawe.

Titus 1:11

11 whose mouthes must be stopped which pervert whole houses teachinge thinges which they ought not because of filthy lucre.

Genesis 12:12

12 It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the.

Genesis 22:12

12 And he sayde: laye not thy handes apon the childe nether do any thinge at all vnto him for now I knowe that thou fearest God in yt thou hast not kepte thine only sonne fro me.

Genesis 42:18

18 And Ioseph sayde vnto the the thryd daye: This doo and lyue for I feare Gode

Romans 3:18

18 There is no feare of God before their eyes.

Genesis 11:29

29 And Abram and Nahor toke them wyves. Abras wyfe was called Sarai. And Nahors wyfe Mylca the doughter of Haran which was father of Milca ad of Iisca.

Genesis 12:13

13 saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake.

1 Thessalonians 5:22

22 Abstayne from all suspicious thinges.

Genesis 12:1

1 Then the LORde sayd vnto Abra Gett the out of thy contre and from thy kynred and out of thy fathers house into a londe which I wyll shewe the.

Genesis 12:9

9 And than Abram departed and toke his iourney southwarde

Genesis 12:11-20

11 And when he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte he sayd vnto sarai his wife. Beholde I knowe that thou art a fayre woman to loke apo. 12 It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the. 13 saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake. 14 As soone as he came in to Egipte the Egiptias sawe the woman that she was very fayre. 15 And Pharaos lordes sawe hir also and praysed hir vnto Pharao: So that she was taken in to Pharaos house 16 which entreated Abram well for hir sake so that he had shepe oxsen ad he asses men seruantes mayde seruates she asses and camels. 17 But God plaged Pharao and his house wyth grete plages because of Sarai Abrams wyfe. 18 Then Pharao called Abram and sayd: why hast thou thus dealt with me? Wherfore toldest thou me not that she was thy wyfe? 19 Why saydest thou that she was thy sister and causedest me to take hyr to my wyfe? But now loo there is the wife take hir ad be walkynge. 20 Pharao also gaue a charge vnto his men over Abram to leade hym out wyth his wyfe and all that he had.

Acts 5:9

9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: why have ye agreed to gether to tept the sprete of the Lorde? Beholde the fete of them which have buryed thy husbande are at the dore and shall cary the out.

Acts 7:3-5

3 and sayd vnto him: come out of thy contre and from thy kynred and come into the londe which I shall shewe the. 4 Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey and dwelt in Charran. And after that assone as his father was deed he brought him into this lande in which ye now dwell 5 and he gave him none inheritaunce in it no not the bredeth of a fote: but promised yt he wolde geve it to him to possesse and to his seed after him when as yet he had no chylde.

Hebrews 11:8

8 By fayth Abraha whe he was called obeyed to goo out into a place which he shuld afterwarde receave to inheritaunce and he wet out not knowynge whether he shuld goo.

Genesis 12:16

16 which entreated Abram well for hir sake so that he had shepe oxsen ad he asses men seruantes mayde seruates she asses and camels.

Genesis 20:2

2 And Abraham sayde of Sara his wyfe that she was his sister. Than Abimelech kynge of Gerar sent and fett Sara awaye.

Genesis 20:11

11 And Abraham Answered. I thought that peradveture the feare of God was not in this place and that they shulde sley me for my wyfes sake:

Genesis 13:9

9 Ys not all the hole lande before the? Departe I praye the fro me. Yf thou wylt take the lefte hande I wyll take the right: Or yf thou take the right hande I wyll take the left.

Genesis 34:10

10 and dwell with vs and the lande shall be at youre pleasure dwell and do youre busynes and haue youre possessions there in.

Genesis 47:6

6 The londe of Egipte is open before the: In the best place of the lande make both thy father and thy brothren dwell: And even in the lond of Gosan let them dwell. Moreouer yf thou knowe any men of actiuyte amonge them make them ruelars ouer my catell.

Genesis 20:5

5 sayde not he vnto me that she was hys sister? yee and sayde not she herself that he was hir brother? wyth a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this.

Genesis 24:65

65 ad sayde vnto ye servaunte: what ma is this yt cometh agenst vs in the feld? And the servaute sayde: it is my master. And then she toke hir mantell ad put it aboute her.

Jonah 1:6

6 And ye master of the sheppe came to him and sayd vn to hi why slomberest thou? vpp and call vn to thy god that God maye thinke on vs that we perish not.

Revelation 3:19

19 As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Be fervent therfore and repet.

Genesis 29:31

31 When the LORde sawe that Lea was despised he made her frutefull: but Rahel was baren.

Matthew 7:7

7 For whosoever axeth receaveth and he yt seketh fyndeth and to hym that knocketh it shalbe opened.

Matthew 21:22

22 And whatsoever ye shall axe in prayer (if ye beleve) ye shall receave it.

Acts 3:24

24 Also all the Prophetes from Samuel and thence forth as many as have spoken have in lykwyse tolde of these dayes.

Philippians 4:6

6 Be not carfull: but in all thynges shewe youre peticion vnto god in prayer and suplicacion wt gevynge of thankes.

1 Thessalonians 5:25

25 Brethre praye for vs.

James 5:16

16 knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous ma avayleth moche yf it be fervet.

Genesis 16:2

2 Wherfore the sayde vnto Abram. Beholde the LORde hath closed me that I can not bere. I praye the goo in vnto my mayde peradueture I shall be multiplyed by meanes of her And Abram herde the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai

Genesis 30:2

2 Than was Iacob wrooth with Rahel saynge: Am I in godes steade which kepeth fro the the frute of thi wobe?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.