Genesis 17:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 When Abram was nynetye yere olde and ix. the LORde apeared to hym sayenge: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me ad be vncorrupte.

Genesis 5:22

22 And Henoch walked wyth god after he had begot Mathusala .iij. hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters.

Genesis 5:24

24 and than Henoch lyved a godly lyfe and was nomore sene for God toke hym away.

Genesis 6:9

9 These are the generatios of Noe. Noe was a righteous man and vncorrupte in his tyme and walked wyth god.

Genesis 12:1

1 Then the LORde sayd vnto Abra Gett the out of thy contre and from thy kynred and out of thy fathers house into a londe which I wyll shewe the.

Genesis 12:7

7 Then the LORde apeared vnto Abram ad sayd: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys lade. And he buylded an aultere there vnto the LORDE which apeared to hym.

Genesis 16:16

16 And Abram was .lxxxvi. yere olde when Hagar bare him Ismael.

Genesis 18:1

1 And the LORde apeared vnto him in the okegrove of Mamre as he sat in his tent doze in the heate of the daye.

Genesis 18:14

14 is the thinge to harde for the LORde to do? In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the as soone as the frute can haue lyfe And Sara shall haue a sonne.

Genesis 28:3

3 And God allmightie blesse the increase the and multiplie the that thou mayst be a nombre of people

Genesis 35:11

11 And God sayde vnto him: I am God allmightie growe and multiplye: for people and a multitude of people shall sprynge of the yee ad kynges shall come out of they loynes.

Genesis 48:15

15 And he blessed Ioseph saynge: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Isaac dyd walke and the God which hath fedd me all my life longe vnto this daye

Exodus 6:3

3 and I appeared vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob an allmightie God: but in my name Iehouah was I not knowne vnto them.

Numbers 11:23

23 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: is the lordes hande waxed shorte? Thou shalt se whether my worde shall come to passe vnto the or not.

Deuteronomy 10:17

17 For the Lorde youre God, he is God of goddes and lorde of lordes, a greate God, a myghtye and a terreble which regardeth no mans person nor taketh giftes:

Deuteronomy 18:13

13 be pure therfore with the Lorde thy God.

Matthew 5:48

48 Take hede to youre almes. That ye geve it not in the syght of men to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heve.

Matthew 19:26

26 Iesus behelde the and sayde vnto them: with men this is vnpossible but with God all thinges are possible.

Luke 1:6

6 Booth were perfect before God and walked in all the lawes and ordinaces of the Lorde that no man coulde fynde fawte with them.

Acts 23:1

1 Paul behelde the counsell and sayde: men and brethre I have lived in all good coscience before God vntill this daye.

Acts 24:16

16 And therfore stody I to have a cleare consciece towarde God and toward man also.

Ephesians 3:20

20 Vnto him that is able to do excedynge aboudantly above all that we axe or thynke accordynge to the power that worketh in vs

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all thynges thorow the helpe of Christ which strengtheth me.

Hebrews 7:25

25 Wherfore he is able also ever to save them that come vnto god by him seynge he ever lyveth to make intercession for vs.

Hebrews 12:28

28 Wherfore if we receave a kyngdom which is not moved we have grace wherby we maye serve god and please him with reverence and godly feare.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.