Exodus 33:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: departe ad goo hence: both thou ad the people which thou hast brought out of the lad of Egipte, vnto the lande which I swore vnto Abraha, Isaac ad Iacob saynge: vnto thi seed I will geue it.

Genesis 12:7

7 Then the LORde apeared vnto Abram ad sayd: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys lade. And he buylded an aultere there vnto the LORDE which apeared to hym.

Genesis 13:14-17

14 And the LORde sayed vnto Abram after that Lot was departed from hym: lyfte vp thyne eyes and loke from ye place where thou art northward southward eastward and westward 15 for all the lande which thou seiste wyll I gyue vnto the and to thy seed for ever. 16 And I wyll make thy seed as the dust of the erth: so that yf a ma can nombre the dust of the erth than shall thy seed also be nombred. 17 Aryse and walke aboute in the lande in the length of it ad in the bredth for I wyll geue it vnto the.

Genesis 15:18

18 And that same daye the LORde made a covenaunte with Abram saynge: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys londe fro the ryver of Egypte even vnto the greate ryver euphrates:

Genesis 22:16-18

16 saynge: by my selfe haue I sworne (sayth the LORde) because thou hast done this thinge and hast not spared thy only sonne 17 that I will blesse th and multiplye thy seed as the starres of heaven and as the sonde vpo the seesyde. And thy seed shall possesse the gates of hys enymies. 18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce.

Genesis 26:3

3 Sogeorne in this lade and I wyll be with ye and wyll blesse ye: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I will geue all these cotreis And I will performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraha thy father

Genesis 28:13-15

13 yee ad the LORde stode apon it and sayde.I am the LORde God of Abraham thi father and the God of Isaac: The londe which thou slepest apon will I geue the and thy seed. 14 And thy seed shalbe as the dust of the erth: And thou shalt spreade abrode: west east north and south. And thorow the and thy seed shall all the kynreddes of the erth be blessed. 15 And se I am with the and wylbe thy keper in all places whother thou goost and wyll brynge ye agayne in to this lande: Nether will I leaue the vntill I haue made good all that I haue promysed the.

Exodus 17:3

3 There the people thyrsted for water, and murmured agenst Moses ad sayde: wherfore hast thou broughte us out of Egipte, to kyll us and oure childern and oure catell with thyrste?

Exodus 32:1

1 And when the people sawe that it was loge or Moses came doune out of the mountayne, they gathered them selues together ad came vnto Aaron and sayde vnto him: Vp ad make vs a god to goo before vs: for of this Moses the felowe that brought vs out of the londe off Egipte, we wote not what ys become.

Exodus 32:7

7 Than the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: go get the doune, for thi people which thou broughtest out of the lade of Egipte,

Exodus 32:13

13 Remebre Abraha, Isaac ad Israel thy servauntes, to who thou sworest by thyne owne selfe ad saidest vnto the: I wil multiplye youre seed as the starres of heauen, ad al this lande which I haue saide, I will geue vnto youre seed: ad they shall eheret it for euer.

Exodus 32:34

34 But goo and brynge the people vnto the lande which I sayde vnto the: beholde, myne angell shall goo before the. Neuerthelater in the daye when I vyset, I will vysett their synne vppon them.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.