Acts 3:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 Peter and Iohn went up togedder into the teple at the nynthe houre of prayer.

Exodus 29:39

39 the one thou shalt offre in the morninge and the other at euen.

Numbers 28:4

4 One lambe thou shalt offer in the mornynge and ye other at euen

Matthew 17:1

1 And after. vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother and brought them vp into an hye mountayne out of the waye

Matthew 26:37

37 And he toke with him Peter and the two sonnes of zebede and began to wexe sorowfull and to be in an agonye.

Luke 1:10

10 And wet into ye teple of ye Lorde and the whoale multitude of ye people were with out in prayer whill the incense was aburnynge.

Luke 22:8

8 And he sent Peter and Iohn sayinge: Goo and prepare vs the ester lambe that we maye eate.

Luke 23:44-46

44 And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes over all the londe vntyll ye nynth houre 45 and the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent even thorow the myddes. 46 And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father into thy hondes I comende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gave vp the goost.

Luke 24:53

53 and were continually in the temple praysinge and laudinge God. Amen.

John 13:23-25

23 Ther was one of his disciples which leaned on Iesus bosome whom Iesus loved. 24 To him beckened Simo Peter that he shuld axe who it was of whom he spake. 25 He then as he leaned on Iesus brest sayde vnto him: Lorde who ys it?

John 20:2-9

2 Then she ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whome Iesus loved and sayde vnto them. They have taken awaye the Lorde out of the toumbe and we cannot tell where they have layde him. 3 Peter went forth and that other disciple and came vnto the sepulcre. 4 They ranne bothe to gether and that other disciple dyd out runne Peter and came fyrst to the sepulcre. 5 And he stouped doune and sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge yet wet he not in. 6 Then came Simon Peter folowynge him and went into ye sepulcre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye 7 and the napkyn that was aboute his heed not lyinge with the lynnen clothe but wrapped togeder in a place by it selfe. 8 Then went in also that other disciple which came fyrst to the sepulcre and he sawe and beleved. 9 For as yet they knew not the scriptures that he shuld ryse agayne from deeth.

John 21:7

7 Then sayde the disciple whom Iesus loved vnto Peter: It is the Lorde. When Simon Peter hearde that it was ye lorde he gyrde his mantell to him (for he was naked) and sprange into the see

John 21:18-22

18 Verely verely I saye vnto the when thou wast yonge thou gerdedst thy selfe and walkedst whyther thou woldest: but when thou arte olde thou shalt stretche forthe thy hondes and a nother shall gyrde ye and leade the whyther thou woldest not. 19 That spake he signifyinge by what deeth he shuld glorify God.And whe he had sayde thus he sayd to him folowe me. 20 Peter turned about and sawe that disciple who Iesus loved folowynge: which also lened on his brest at supper and sayde: Lorde which is he yt shall betraye the? 21 When Peter sawe him he sayde to Iesus: Lorde what shall he here do? 22 Iesus sayd vnto him Yf I will have him to tary tyll I come what is that to the? folowe thou me.

Acts 2:46

46 And they continued dayly with one acorde in the teple and brake breed in every housse and dyd eate their meate to gedder with gladnes and singlenes of hert

Acts 4:13

13 When they sawe the boldnes of Peter and Iohn and vnderstode that they were vnlerned men and laye people they marveyled and they knew them that they were with Iesu:

Acts 5:25

25 Then came one and shewed them: beholde ye men yt ye put in preson stonde in the teple and teache the people.

Acts 8:14

14 When ye Apostles which were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria had receaved ye worde of God: they sent vnto the Peter and Iohn

Acts 10:3

3 The same man sawe in a vision evydetly aboute ye nynthe houre of ye daye an angell of god comynge into him and sayinge vnto him: Cornelius.

Acts 10:30

30 And Cornelius sayde: This daye now .iiii. dayes I fasted and at the nynthe houre I prayde in my housse: and beholde a man stode before me in bright clothynge

Galatians 2:9

9 and therfore when they perceaved the grace that was geve vnto me then Iames Cephas and Iohn which semed to be pilers gave to me and Barnabas the ryght hondes and agreed with vs that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen and they amonge the Iewes:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.