4 Thou arte the Kynge and my God, thou sendest helpe vnto Iacob.
Psalms 44:4 Cross References - Matthew
Psalms 42:8
8 The Lorde hath promysed hys louynge kyndnesse daylye, therfore will I prayse him in the night season, and make my prayer vnto the God of my lyfe.
Psalms 74:12
12 But God is my Kynge of olde, the helpe that is done vpon earth, he doth it hym selfe.
Psalms 89:18
18 The Lorde is our defence, and the holy one of Israel is our kyng.
Psalms 149:2
2 Let Israell reioyse in hym that made hym, & let the chyldren of Sion be ioyfull in their kyng.
Isaiah 33:22
22 For the Lorde shalbe oure captayne, the Lorde shalbe oure lawe geuer. The Lorde shalbe oure kynge, and he hym selfe shalbe oure sauyoure.
Mark 1:25-26
Mark 1:31
31 And he came and toke her by the hande, and lyfte her vp, & the fewer forsoke her by and by: and she ministred vnto them.
Mark 1:41
41 And Iesus had compassyon on hym, and put forth hys hande, touched hym, & sayd to hym: I wyl, be thou cleane.
Mark 9:25
25 When Iesus sawe that the people came runnyng together vnto him, he rebuked the foule spirit, saying vnto him: Thou domme & deaf spirite, I charge the come out of him, & enter no more into him.