Obadiah 1:10 Cross References - Matthew

10 Shame shall come vpon the, for the malyce that thou shewedest to thy brother Iacob: yee for euermore shalt thou perysh,

Genesis 27:11

11 Then said Iacob to Rebecca his mother: beholde, Esau my brother is rough, & I am smooth.

Genesis 27:41

41 And Esau hated Iacob, bicause of the blessyng that hys father blessed hym with all, & sayed in hys hert. The dayes of my fathers sorowes are at hand, for I wyll slea my brother Iacob.

Numbers 20:14-21

14 And Moses sente messengers from Cades vnto the kyng of Edom. Thus sayeth thy brother Israel. Thou knowest al the trauel that hath happened vs, 15 how our fathers went downe into Egypt, and how we haue dwelt in Egypt a longe tyme, and how the Egypcians vexed both vs and our fathers. 16 Then we cried vnto the Lorde and he hearde oure voyces, and sent an angell & hath fet vs oute of Egypte. And beholde, we are in Cades a city harde by the borders of thy contry 17 let vs go a good felowshype thorow thy contrey we wil not go thorow thi feldes nor thorow the viniyardes, neither wyl we drinke of the water of the fountaynes, but we wyll go vp the hye way, & neyther turne vnto the righte hand nor to the lift, vntyl we be past thy contrye. 18 And Edom answered him: Se thou come not by me, least I come out against the with the swerde. 19 And the chyldren of Israel sayed vnto him: we wyl go by the beaten way: and if eyther we or our cattell drynke of thy water, we wyll pay for it, we wyll do no more but passe thorow by fote onelye. 20 And he said ye shal not go thorow. And Edom came out against hym with much people and wyth a mighty power. 21 And thus Edom denied to giue Israel passage thorow his contrie. And Israel turned away from him.

Psalms 69:7

7 And why? for thy sake do I suffre reprofe, shame couereth my face.

Psalms 83:5-9

5 For they haue caste their heades together with one consent, & are confederate agaynst the. 6 The tabernacles of the Edomites and Ismaelytes, the Moabytes and Hagarenes. 7 Gebal, Ammom, and Amalech: the Philistines with them that dwell at Tyre. 8 Assur also is ioyned vnto them, and helpe the chyldren of Loth. Selah. 9 But do thou to them as vnto the Madianites, vnto Sisera, and vnto Iabin by the broke of Kyson.

Psalms 89:45

45 The dayes of his youth hast thou shortened, & couered him with dishonoure. Selah.

Psalms 109:29

29 Let myne aduersaryes be clothed wyth their owne shame, as with a cloke.

Psalms 132:18

18 As for hys enemyes, I shall clothe them wyth shame, but vpon hym selfe shall hys crowne florysh.

Psalms 137:7

7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lorde in the daye of Ierusalem, howe they sayde: doune wyth it, doune wyth it: euen to the grounde.

Jeremiah 3:25

25 So do we also slepe in oure confusyon, and shame couereth vs: for we and oure fathers from oure youth vp vnto thys daye haue sinned agaynste the Lorde oure God, and haue not obeyed the voyce of the Lord oure God.

Jeremiah 49:13

13 For why, I haue sworne by my selfe (sayeth the Lord) that Bozrah shal become a wyldernes, an open shame a laughynge stocke and cursynge: and her cytyes shalbe a continuall deserte.

Jeremiah 49:17-20

17 Moreouer Idumea shall be a wyldernesse: who so goeth by it, shalbe abashed, & wodre at all her myserable plages. 18 Lyke as Sodome Gomor, and the cytyes that laye there about, were turned vp syde doune (sayeth the Lorde) so shall no bodye dwell in Idumea, & no man shall haue hys habytacyon there. 19 Beholde, lyke as the Lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Etham, so wyll I dryue hym, and make hym runne agaynste her. But who is the yongeman that I wyll ordeyne thereto? Who is lyke vnto me? What is he that wyll stryue wyth me? What shepherde may stande in my handes? 20 Therfore heare the councell of the Lorde, that he hathe taken vpon Idumea: and hys purpose that he hath deuised vpon the cytesyns of Theman: The least of the flocke shall teare them in peces, and loke what faire thing they haue, they shall make it waste, & them selues also.

Jeremiah 51:51

51 for we were ashamed to heare the blasphemyes: oure faces were couered with shame, because the straung aleauntes came into the Sanctuarye of the Lorde.

Lamentations 4:21

21 Sin. And thou (O daughter Edom) that dwellest in the lande of Huz, be glad and reioyce: for the cuppe shall come vnto the also, which whan thou soppest of thou shalt be droncken.

Ezekiel 7:18

18 they shall gyrde them selues with sacke clothe, feare shall fall vpon them. Their faces shalbe confounded, and their heades balde:

Ezekiel 25:12-14

12 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde God: Because that Edom hath auenged and eased him selfe vpon the house of Iuda, 13 therefore thus sayeth the Lorde: I wyll reache oute myne hande vpon Edom, and take awaye man and beast oute of it. From Theman vnto Dedan will I make it desolate, they shalbe slayne wt the swearde. 14 Thorowe my people of Israell will I auenge me agayne vpon Edom: they shall handle him, accordinge to my wrath & indignacion, so that they shall know my vengeaunce, sayeth the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 35:5-7

5 For so much as thou beareste an olde enemyte agaynst the chyldren of Israel, and with a cruell hande haste made them afrayed, what tyme as they were troubled and punyshed for theyr synne: 6 Therfore as truelye as I lyue, sayeth the Lord GOD, I wyl prepare the vnto bloud, yea bloude shall folowe vpon the: seyng thou layest wayte for bloude, therfore shal bloude persecute the. 7 Thus wyll I make the mounte Seir desolate and waste, and brynge to passe, that there shal no man goo thyther, ner com from thence.

Ezekiel 35:9

9 I wyll make the a perpetuall wyldernesse, so that no man shall dwell in thy cyties: that ye maye knowe, how that I am the Lorde.

Ezekiel 35:12-15

12 Yee and that thou also mayest be sure, that I the Lord haue hearde all thy despytefull wordes, whiche thou hast spoken agaynst the mountaynes of Israel, sayinge: Lo, they are made waste, & geuen vs to deuoure. 13 Thus wyth youre mouthes ye haue mayde youre boost agaynst me, yee & multyplyed youre proude wordes agaynst me, which I haue hearde altogether. 14 Wher vnto thus sayeth the Lorde God: when the whole worlde is in wealth, then wyll I make the waste. 15 And like as thou (O mount Seyr) wast glad, because the heretage of the house of Israell was destroyed: euen so wyll I do vnto the also that thou & whole Edom shall be destroyed, and knowe, that I am the Lorde.

Joel 3:19

19 but Egipt shalbe layed waste, and Edom shalbe desolate: because they haue dealte so cruelly with the chyldren of Iuda, and shed innocente bloude in theyr lande.

Amos 1:11

11 Thus sayth the Lorde: For thre and foure wickednesses of Edom I wyl not spare him, because he persecuted hys brother wyth the swearde, destroyed his mothers wombe, bare hatred very longe, and so kepte indignacyon alwaye by hym.

Micah 7:10

10 She that is myne enemy shall loke vpon it, & be confounded, which now sayth. Where is thy Lorde God? Myne eyes shall beholde her, when she shalbe troden doune, as the clay in the stretes.

Malachi 1:3-4

3 & hated Esau: yea I haue made his hilles waste, & his heretage a wildernesse for dragons: 4 & though Edom sayd: wel, we are destroyed, we wyll go buylde vp agayne the places that be wasted: yet (sayeth the Lord of hostes) what they buylded, that brake I domie, so that is was called a cursed lande, and a people, whom the Lorde hath euer bene angrye withall.

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