1 When he was come downe from the mountayne, much people folowed him.
Matthew 8:1 Cross References - Matthew
Matthew 4:25-5:1
25 & their folowed hym a great numbre of people, from Galyle. And from the ten cities, & from Ierusalem & from Iurie & from the regions that lye beiond Iordan.
Matthew 8:18
18 When Iesus sawe muche people aboute him, he commaunded to go ouer the water.
Matthew 12:15
15 When Iesus knewe that, he departed thence, and much people folowed hym, and he healed them all,
Matthew 15:30
30 And much people came vnto him, hauynge with them, halt, blynd, domme, maymed, and other many: and cast them doune at Iesus fete. And he healed them,
Matthew 19:2
2 and much people folowed hym, and he healed them there.
Matthew 20:29
29 And as they departed from Hiericho, much people folowed hym.
Mark 3:7
7 And Iesus auoyded with hys disciples to the sea. And a great multitude folowed him from Galile, and from Iurie,
Luke 5:15
15 But so much the more went there a fame abroad of him, & much people came together to heare and to be healed of him, of their infirmyties.
Luke 14:25-27
25 There went a great companye with him, and he turned and sayde vnto them:
26 If a man come to me, and hate not hys father and mother, and wyfe, and chyldren and brethren & systers, moreouer and hys owne lyfe, he can not be my disciple.
27 And whosoeuer beare not his crosse, and come after me can not be my disciple.